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Sat, 11 Oct 1997 08:18:25 -0400
"T. Harter" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
I could really use some advice.  We've had two males Sparkey and Methos for
a year now and they've always gotten along wonderfully.  About 6 weeks ago
we bought a very active 8 week old.  The problem has been this little guy.
He just seems to enjoy terrorizing Methos.  He's constantly biting his ears
to the point where Methos whines pitifully.I thought it would take awhile
but it's obvious that Methos just hates it.Methos has always enjoyed the
company of the humans in the house more than his fuzzy buddies.  He's never
been one to play with them.  When the little one gets out of line to far
with Sparkey he pins him and that ends it but Methos won't even protect
himself.  I'm to the point of thinking about giving the little guy up though
I really don't want to.  We have put Methos in a another cage to sleep now
but that means someone misses out on freetime since if the two are out at
the same time Methos gets beat up and goes back to cage and wants in.
Everyone loves this little guy, he's a beautiful silver mit, but I hate the
way it's upset our happy home.  Any help would really be appreciated.  These
boys are our first experience with ferrets.  E-mails to me would be best.
Nancy-the fuzzy mom
Sparkey-life goes on
Dawson- I know I'm a terror
[Posted in FML issue 2092]