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Mon, 6 Oct 1997 14:01:42 -0400
text/plain (48 lines)
Hello everyone,
No, this is not the post where I answer questions, because I didn't get back
from Kingston in time to come to work and do it.  My apologies.... if I get
my homework done in time tonight, I most certainly will go through all the
information ... (I promise I will really try!!)
So, Friday at lunch I went to the pet store to buy a travelling cage for the
ferts.  And what did I find - the perfect black wire cage about 2 feet by 2
feet.  There was enough room for the litter box, food dish, water bottle and
even THEIR hammock.  (Just like a smaller - much smaller - version of home.
The person at the vet guaranteed that they would not be able to get out.
Guess what!  THEY CAN GET OUT!  Louise (sable) managed to fit her head and
body (where the head goes, the body follows) through the side of the door
where it latches (it is about .5 of an inch bigger than all the other
"squares" of wire.  I just thank god that it happened after I had already
arrived in Kingston (and was at my sister's house) and not in the car on the
way up.
Needless to say, I had to tape an old pizza box to the cage so they could
not escape!  An amusing addition to their new cage!!
Well, the ferts did amazingly well on the drive up and down.  They basically
slept the entire time (except for the time they decided to empty their food
dish as well as their litter box - they weren't THAT thrilled to be in the
Louise has a fettish for stuffed animals - big or small.  My sister has a
shelf, just above the couch in the living room with a whole bunch of stuff
animals on it.  Well, one by one, Louise had them hidden underneath the
couch as my friends and my sister watched in complete fascination.  Thelma
did her usual aggressive play with me now, don't watch Louise trick.  (I'm
not sure if it's jealousy or what, but whenever Louise gets attention,
Thelma comes up and nips - very lightly - to get my attention!)
Anyway, the trip was a success - I don't blame them for figuring out how to
escape - I'd have done the same if I were them!
Hope all is going well with everyone,
take care,
meows, dooks and ruffs to all
Marion, thelma, louise, jd, and oscar
[Posted in FML issue 2087]