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Mon, 6 Oct 1997 07:46:33 -0400
Elizabeth Wirtz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
I would appreciate any advice that FMLers would be willing to give.
I have had a male ferret, Pixie, for two years now.  He's been an "only
child", but yesterday out of nowhere my boyfriend presented Pixie and I with
an eight-week old female kit ("Sweetie").  She's adorable and playful etc.,
but the problem is Pixie did not take too well to her.  I didn't place the
two of them together, just let them sort of sniff each other, but Pixie
tried to bite the new ferret a couple of times.  Books say to place their
cages next to each other for a period of time and make it a gradual process,
which makes perfect sense.  Sweetie has to live at my boyfriend's place,
however, so I'm afraid there's not going to be much time to get them used to
each other- maybe a few hours a week and on the weekends... I just wonder if
there's any hope of getting Pixie accustomed to a new ferret even though
she's not a live-in.  Should I keep little Sweetie here for a few days/weeks
in her cage next to Pixie's...?  Or should Pixie go stay at Dan's for a
while...?  I wish they could live together, but I cannot keep another ferret
here permanently, and Dan has taken to Sweetie and wants her at his place...
Can Pixie and Sweetie ever be friends?
Thank you in advance.
Elizabeth Wirtz
[Posted in FML issue 2087]