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Sat, 4 Oct 1997 15:40:22 +0000
"Sue M." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Hello, I've just subscribed to the list, and am looking forward to sharing
ferret fun with other people.
My ferrets were all adopted from the MN Ferret Association, and they are:
Rosa a 4/5 year old sable female.  Favorite activities...getting into the
kitchen and having me chase her around the house screaming (and then she
chases me).
Rocky.  a 4 yo maybe male, a kind of grey/silver/sable.  Favorite activites,
sleeping and cuddling.  He's amazing, *really* loves to cuddle.  My
downstairs neighbor (and landlady)'s husband has Altzheimers (sp?) and
Parkinsons, and Rocky is one of the few things that he will smile about.
Yesterday lovely little Fezwig died from insulinoma.  I'm glad I had
insomnia again, and was able to sit up with her and hold her until the end.
I adopted her knowing her condition, and she did very well for many months
before finally going downhill.  Rocky doesn't get along with the others
(well, other, now) very well yet, so poor Rosa is alone in her big cage.
Rocky's mate, Coco also had insulinoma, and died shortly after they came to
live with me.  Very sad, but it makes me happy to give these ferrets a home
when they may otherwise be hard to place.  I was thinking more of getting a
youngster, but when I saw Rocky and Coco, well, I'm sure you all know how it
A couple of questions: are there any Ferret organizations/clubs in North
Dakota?  I'll probably be here for another year.
Glad to be on the list!
Sue M.
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[Posted in FML issue 2085]