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Tue, 30 Sep 1997 09:52:47 -0400
Amanda Tyler <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Hello.  This is my first post to the FML so i though i would introduce
myself to you guys.  My name is Amanda and I have one ferret named Allie.  I
am getting another ferret soon.  Allie is a very good girl.  She is a sable
and she is about 11 months old.  I got her from a shelter.  It was very
interesting about how i got to this shelter and where I am now with this
shelter.  I called an add in the paper about baby ferrets for sail.  And The
man that anwsered said he had a great collection of ferrets.  But I ask him
if he had any males and he said "No I'm sorry but we don't have any males
any more.  I wanted a male ferret so he gave me a number of someone that he
knew that had lots of ferrets.  So........ i called that number and it ended
up that this person that had lots of ferrets lived right up the street from
me.  And she had a huge ferret shelter.  She has about 120 ferrets right
now.  She rescues and breeds them.  So i went over to pick my boy out and i
fell in love with this beautiful sable girl.  So even though i wanted a male
i got a female.  And i named her Allie.  Allie was not spayed yet and i knew
that when i got her but Mrs Barb ( The owner of the ferret shelter ) said
that when she was of the right age she would spay her for $25.  so that was
great for me and Mrs. Brab give free Distemper shots every year to your
ferret if you get them from her.  And the rabbie shot is only $3.  So off i
went with Allie.  About a month ago i noticed her volva was getting larger
so i called Mrs barb and She said that shemight of gone into heat.
So....... i took allie over to Mrs Barb so she could look at her and sure
enough she was in heat.
So... Allie got mated with a infertle male and Allie is almost back to
normal now.  And as soon as she is she is getting spayed right away.  Well
thats the story with allie.  But now ever since I got allie i have gone over
to help mrs Barb take care of all the ferrets.  ( Its alot of work) and now
she has offered me a position to be a jounior officer of the ferret shelter
and also this ferret thing that she is just starting where there are lots of
shows and public apppearences.  So i think I am going to take the position.
Well i think that is it for now.  That it for all the updates.  Talk to you
guys later.
         Amanda and Allie
[Posted in FML issue 2081]