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Fri, 26 Sep 1997 14:13:36 -0400
Marc Wilson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
Caryl Rion <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Does anyone out there have any problems with their ferrets attacking them if
>they are sqeaking a sqeaky toy?
Not exactly the same reaction...
My male ferret, Bandit, has his favorite squeek toy ... his black, nobby
squeek ball.  Whenever I squeek this ball, Bandit will stop whatever he is
doing and *immediately* begin searching for the ball.  He will frantically
search the whole apartment looking for that danged ball!
When he finds the ball, he picks it up and moves it to one of two "stash
points."  If he finds the ball in the cage, he will deposit it on the top
shelf of the highest level.  If he finds the ball outside of the cage, he
deposits it under the couch.  And he will not let that ball go when he picks
it up!!  You can pick up the ball and he will hang underneath of it ... all
the while looking at you with eyes that seem to speak "Unhand my prize, you
brutish thief!" He'll hang there for minutes on end.  LOL!
>Has anyone every had this before?  Normally he is not a biter at all.  Could
>he be protecting the other ferrets?  Maybe he thinks one of them is in
>pain??  Are the males usually protective of their young?
Perhaps he is claiming the toy as his?  Does he play with the toy at any
other time?
Marc Wilson and the Tres Amigos
Bandit:  "I know I heard that squeeker ... now where is it?"
Rascal:  "I prefer this little ball with the bell in it ... I can get my
little feets around it!"
Slinky:  <munch, munch>  "No time for playing ... Dad just put a little
Ferretone on the TF!"
P.S. Just switched the ferts from Marshall Farms food to TF ... cold turkey!
The Tres Amigos were not entirely enthusiastic until I put some Ferretone on
the TF.  A virtual feeding frenzy ensued!  -- And there was great rejoicing!
<little flag waves> --
[Posted in FML issue 2077]