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Tue, 23 Sep 1997 17:03:30 +1000
iluvferrets <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
I have a pretty bad problem with one of my babies.I`ve only had him for ,I
think, 6-7 weeks but about 3 weeks ago he had what appeared to be a rash
around his face,mainly under his bottom jaw,he also was scratching a lot.I
thought at first it may be just a change of diet or his surroundings but it
seemed to get worse.I took him to my vet who said it was a very bad case of
mites.He has got them in his ears,face and feet.He was put on a course of
injections and drops for his ears,but he`s only had those for a
week,tomorrow he will have his 4th injection.My other 4 fuzzbutts had a very
mild case and are responding to their treatment very well but my Benny Boy
is not.He is eating,pooping,playing sleeping well but is just not doing that
well in getting rid of these varmints.My vet said that there is not much
more she can do except do some tests for other things,(I don`t know what as
yet `cause he will be going back to the vet tomorrow) and she will see what
happens from there.I have read the FAQ and written things down to show her
tomorrow,but you see I live in Australia and I`m not sure the same
medication is used here or not.I`m hoping to get advice on what other
measures I can take or do to help my Benny Boy.I think he may have had a bit
of a rough life before I got(rescued)him and he probably has had these
buggers for a long while to get this bad.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated by Benny Boy and myself. Thanks
Hope all sick fuzzies get better soon and happy ones stay that way.
     Lola And in order of appearance: Sebastion (cat) Bonnie (cat)
Phoebe (fert) Satan (fert)
                      Little One (fert) Spooky (cat) Boof (cat) Benny
Boy (fert) Little Bub (fert)
[Posted in FML issue 2073]