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Mon, 15 Sep 1997 23:55:50 -0400
Misty Newkirk <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
Well, hello all you out there in FML land..It's me, Misty.  I am a lurker
coming out of the closet, please make the transition easy on me =) <~ My
name is Misty, and I am a Lurker (at lurkers anon meeting)
OK, nuff lurker jokes..  I have 1 ferret named Skittles..my absolute pride
and joy and daily nightmare..lol...joke..  Anyway, shes a 1 year old MF
sable, full of fire and ready to attack anything seen or unseen to mere
humans,like me.  And God forbid should my toes be in the way when she is
defending the universe..
I disagree with MF ferrets, but I love mine all the same, and would love her
no matter what.  All ferrets deserve humane treatment, and desreve to be
spoiled rotten by their slaves..aka humans.
My baby was vomiting this morning..sending me into panic..It was yellowish
with a sticky runny consistency (yummy, i know) nothing was in it, and she
ate and drank right afterwards..  Kinda tired today, slept on me for about
30 minutes..anything i should be concerned about?
Also, I am from southern Indiana, 10 minutes from Louisville..Anyone near me
feel free to e-mail, I would love a ferret friend close by, as I am the only
one around here it seems, with a ferret..  I know of 3 fuzzbutts that need a
home..2 as a pair,.  and 1 well behaved little girl named Skippy, that i
have played wioth before..The pair are boys, 1 silver mitt (i think) and 1
sable mitt..both need attention...was an impulse buy by a friend of mine,
now need a home.  If I could I would take them, but I live at home still,
and mom says NO..So until I have an apt of my own, i am a 1 ferret
household.  e-mail me if interested..
Also, anyone know of any shows around here in my area?  I would love to hear
from anyone near me, as I said earlier, please write me and let me know you
are out there =)
Well, all for now..
  ^ ^
 =v=    Ferret Hugs and Kisses..Misty Kay and Skittles.
[Posted in FML issue 2066]