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Thu, 4 Sep 1997 11:54:15 -0500
sophie richard <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Hello all ferret lovers!
When I saw what you said on yesterday's FML about ferretproofing
refrigerators, I had to tell you Virgule's story... You have probably
guessed it by now, she electrocuted herself...
It happened last fall.  She found a way under the "ferretproofed fridge" (or
so I though) and she bit the cord.  Part of it wasn't covered with the
plastic that is used and she electrocuted herself.  She was almost lifeless
when she was found.  I took her to the vet, they examined her and they did
everything they could to save her.  She was in shock, she couldn't even
close her eyes, I had to do it for her.  The vet (who is the best vet in the
whole world!!!) gave Virgule many shots to prevent arythmia, gave her fluids
and kept her overnight.
Inside of her mouth, the gums were badly burned.  We could see the bone, and
part of her tongue was burned too.  About half of it was missing.  There was
a huge scar on her front left paw, where the electricity came out of her
When Dr. Moffet called me the next day, I thought it was to tell me that
Virgule didn't make it but no!  She was alive!  The vet also told me she
thought my little fuzzy would never make it but she's a tough little one
because she did.
About a week after the accident, she lost a toe.  It just dried and fell.
But that's not the worst problem she had... The bone kept getting infected
so I had to have two teeth removed in her little mouth.  The vet who did the
surgery scraped the infected bone tissue, pulled the gums from the inside
out and sewed it together to cover the bone.
Eventually, the scar heeled, the operation was successful and Virgule is
dooking like she has never dooked before.  I love the little girl.  She'll
be two years old this fall.
I was lucky but if your refrigerator (or any other appliance) isn't well
ferretproofed, or even if you think it is, you should make sure your ferrets
can't get under it; you may not be as lucky as Virgule and I were...
Sophie, Virgule, Globule and Virus.
[Posted in FML issue 2055]