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Thu, 4 Sep 1997 08:59:05 -0700
Steve Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Hi folks,
Yesterday evening my littlest energy ball, Yoda, decided to become a lap
ferret, which is totally abnormal.  Of my two, Yoda is by far the more
active.  You usually can't hold him for more than 30 seconds, and I've been
holding and petting him all morning now.  He doesn't seem interested in
running, playing, or much of anything.  All he wants to do is sleep.  Other
than lethargy, his symptoms are slight shivers and a much warmer than normal
body temperature.  He appears to be eating and drinking normally and his
stool looks fine.
Does anyone have any ideas?  I looked through my copy of Deborah Jeans' book
and it didn't have anything with similar symptoms.  I suspect that perhaps
he has the flu.
He's been sitting curled up and completely still (except for the shivers,
which appear to be worse than thought initially) in my lap for an abnormally
long time this morning.  This is completely unlike him.
My wife is taking him to a vet this morning, but it's a vet we've never been
to before, since we're new in our area.
Ideas?  If you reply to the list, please cc me directly as well.
Steve Ferguson                   | Despite the name, food stamps are _not_
Email: [log in to unmask]          | edible.
http://home.pacbell.net/sfergus  | The more you run over a dead cat, the
*** This space for rent ***      | flatter it gets.
[Posted in FML issue 2055]