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Thu, 4 Sep 1997 19:32:35 -0400
California Domestic Ferret Association <[log in to unmask]>
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AB363 was brought up for discussion by the Appropriations committee today
and at the request of Senator Montieth was tabled for discussion later.  The
committee adjurned before discussing it again, thereby defaulting it to
remain in Suspense.  Jan has chosen to make it a 2 year bill.
NO, this is not the best news we could have gotten, but it's not the worst
either.  Apparently there were not enough votes in the committee to carry
the bill out, hence the tabling for later discussion.
1. I was wrong when I said (ok......now everyone go circle your calendars....
but I really do admit when I mess up) there were enough votes in the
committee to carry it through.  What I was looking at was the voting record
for the suspense....... Said it before and will say it again, I am no legal
eagle and need things translated from time to time for me.
2. Jan Goldsmith's term of office is not up until Dec. 1998 (that is not a
typo, that's 1998).  This is his last term but that term goes to 1998.
3. Jan will start back with the appropriations committee in January.  We do
NOT lose the progress we have made.  We are over half way there.
4.  There are basically 3 more steps after the committee.
     a.  Senate floor
     b.  Back to assembly to 'rubber stamp approve' amendments
     c.  Gov. signs.
5. At this point, if all passes, the bill will be re-scheduled to go into
effect Jan 1999...... UNLESS they put and urgency clause on the bill.  I'm
not sure what is required to make it an urgent bill, but if they do do that,
then the bill become effective immediately upon the Gov's signature.
We have about 3.5 months to really sit back, evaulate and see how we want to
proceed on this.  I am assured if any help can come from the ferret
community at large we WILL be notified.  I have the utmost confidence and
trust in Jan's aide Peter Crandall.  He knows we want to help, anytime,
anyway we can.
I know you are frustrated.......... WE all are.  Some of the people have
been working on this legalization for 13-15 years.  Each year we make
progress, this year we made by far the biggest leap ahead we have ever made.
You can't give up now, we will succeed but ONLY if we perservere.
You are more than welcome to start the intative if that's how you want to
go.  Go for it.  I personally feel we have a much better chance of it
happening sooner by going through the legislature.  I don't feel this is a
'wait it out' tactic like what we went through with Fish and Game.  But I am
often accused of being overly optimistic.
Keep you chins up, your fighting dander in tact, and your fuzzies hidden a
little while longer.
Just remember, if they want us to go away, we will, WHEN they make us legal
and not one second sooner.
[Posted in FML issue 2055]