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Wed, 3 Sep 1997 22:03:54 -0400
Samuel Abbe <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Just made my first emergency call to the vet.
My Kodo Jr was thrashing hurself around the cage vomiting first poop, then
what I thought was undigested food but now I think it was stryofoam since I
found styrofoam and no food.  Towards the end it turned to a brownish red
liquid so I think there was some blood in there to.  I could also hear her
digestive system gurgling and she was whining.
She stopped just as I called the vet to take a drink and then a nap.  Vet
said nothing to be concerned about; it should be all over with.  I think he
was mostly trying to make me calm down.
Five minutes later I took her out of the cage planning to have her sleep on
the couch where I could keep a better eye on her, gave her some Petromalt
and some Ferratone.  I figure that'd help her poop any last remnants out.
Now she's chasing the cat around.  So much for sick.
I'll try to separate her so I can make sure she poops and see whats in it.
I'm also searching the apartment for styrofoam; nothing so far but if she
made it to the kids room there's a zillion stuffed animals I'll check
Did I do everything right?  Did I miss anything?  If so please email me at
[log in to unmask] CC it to [log in to unmask] to make sure I get it asap.
A still nervous but calming,
Sam Abbe
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[Posted in FML issue 2054]