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Mon, 1 Sep 1997 03:11:58 -0500
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Hi FML!  This is ELizabeth, daughter of Bad to the Bone Bob C.  Actually,
this is not a tattling, it is an apology to dad and a couple of FML people
dad was supposed to visit but couldn't when his car didn't get fixed in
time.  Dad works late at night and asked me to call and I promised I would,
but then I stupidly forgot.  I guess someone was still expecting him and was
pretty upset when he didn't show.  Anyway, I just forgot and I am sorry if I
goofed anyone up or anything.
The car thing has dad pretty bummed, that I can tell you for sure.  Because
the stupid car wasn't fixed in time for the weekend, dad will have to fly
out for the car then drive home, only to drive back out later.  I think the
federal express guys know they goofed up because they have been really nice
and helpful.  Of course it helped them when they found out dad had a bad
concussion from the wreck and part of his hands went numb.  They are in
trouble big time.  Dad wanted to get another rental car for the weekend, but
nothing was in because of the holidays, so he couldn't make it anywhere.
Anyhow, he asked me to call some people and tell them because he had to work
really late, but I started watching his tapes of killer tomatoes and forgot.
I am very sorry.
Almost all of dads ferrets are older, and his new kits are really cute.  He
has this really cute ferret that is black all over, well, except for the
mask part, and he loves dad a lot.  When dad walkes across the room, the
kits, specially Carbone, attack him from the rear and jump on his legs.  Dad
will set on the futon and the four kits jump all over him.  Jet likes to
bite his ponytail and hang on.  Amber is all teeth, and likes to bite any
piece of skin that is open.  She really likes biting dad on the back of the
knee or in the armpit.  I yell "NO!  Not the armpit!" but it is too late.  I
think she is brain-damaged.
School is great and I have to do a little more studying than in high school,
so I don't get home as much (I have a room in the dorms) and I sort of miss
all the ferrets.  My roommate came over to visit dad with me, and couldn't
believe how many ferrets were running around.  She has never seen them
before, and was afraid of them at first, but dad would have nothing of that.
Before long, she and dad were playing with all the ferrets while setting on
the floor, and they were dripping with baby ferrets hanging all over them.
Now she askes me all the time when she can go over again!  I think she likes
the ferrets better than her boyfriend.  Now she wants one, but the dorms are
very strict.  Dad says he will help her adopt one later.
Anyway, I wrote to tell people I am sorry for forgetting to call them about
dad's car and I hope no one is really mad at him (or me).  Sorry Dad!
Elizabeth, embarrased daughter of Bob C and former pooper picker upper
[Posted in FML issue 2052]