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Wed, 27 Aug 1997 00:12:34 -0400
text/plain (21 lines)
Well, my boyfriend out-did himself this time!!  Bought me the cutest little
ferret last night, for my birthday!  It is a 7-8 week old male, silvermitt.
Absolutely gorgeous!!  Thinking that I will name him "Zaire".
He is the most loving ferret!!  Hardly bites at all, just tender nips.  More
like a play bite.  Just kind of holding on your finger with his mouth.  And
he loves giving kisses!!  He is just the sweetest!  He's so tiny, with big
white paws.  And a little grey nose.  Just love him!!  =)
Also, I was wondering if some people could tell me their opinions about corn
cob litter & newspaper pellet litter???  Which do you prefer???  I just
bought the newspaper pellet litter.  It was about $7.50 for an 8# bag at the
local Petsmart.  The corn cob litter was $6.50 for the same size bag.  I
remember talk of this, but can't remember the details!  Or what else would
you highly recommend?  I used to use a clay type litter when I had had my
first ferret.  But I would prefer to use something else, I think.
Thanks for your help!!
[Posted in FML issue 2046]