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Wed, 13 Aug 1997 23:44:45 -0400
Kymberlie Becker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
Hello all:
Perhaps you remember me posting about my ferret Patches, who has lymphoma
and cardiomyopathy, who recently had a one pound spleen taken out?  Well, he
had been doing very well for almost a month now, then early this morning I
discovered he cannot walk on his back legs.  They were a bit blue and cool
to the touch while the rest of his body was quite warm.
Of course I freaked out...spent hours on-line chatting with friends trying
to keep my mind of of this (thanks Karen and Sammy!) then called the vet,
and of course my regular vet wasn't in today... anyway to make this shorter,
finally I got a hold of my vet at home.
It seems that Patches has a blood clot that is restricting the circulation
of blood to his legs and feet.  On top of this, he seems to be having liver
failure.  When he finally went to the bathroom (didn't want to cuz he
couldn't walk to the litter box) his urine was the color of healthy grass.
I was on the phone with the vet at the time and she told me that it sounds
like he might be having liver failure.  When his spleen was removed the vet
looked around at the other organs and the only one that seemed to be
affected with tumors was the liver.  It seems that perhaps it is now taking
its toll.
Where we are right now is in a horrible waiting game.  Perhaps the clot will
break up and pass, permitting the blood to flow again through the legs, but
there is nothing we can do about the clot.  Nor is there anything to do
about the liver failure, apparently.  My vet was at home when I talked to
her, she said that tomorrow she would read up and see if there's anything
that she couldn't think of, but she is an excellent ferret vet and I don't
expect her to find much.
Could anyone out there with experience with clots or liver failure please
write to me and let me know what you know?  The vet told me a lot but you
know how it is, when you're upset you don't take everything in.  I'd just
like to learn as much as I can, to know what I can expect and if there's
anything I can do.
Everyone, keep Patches in your prayers again.  So many of you wished us well
when he was so sick before we went ahead with the surgery for the spleen, it
really helped to know you were out there.  He has had a wonderful month and
I really hope that I can give him much more time than this...but if I can't
I want to know what I can do to make him comfortable until it's time to
<sigh> this is just sooooo hard....
E-mail me at [log in to unmask] if you have any information that might
help us! Thanks in advance...
Kymberlie Becker
Director, Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association
"Forget Puppy Love...There's nothing Greater than Ferret Love!" TM
[Posted in FML issue 2033]