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Wed, 13 Aug 1997 22:00:39 -0500
Lawrence J Updike <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
We recently became ferret parents.  We got Bree around the 1st of June, and
then ferret math struck :), and we aquired Reena a month later.  Bree is now
1 year and 8 months and Reena is 2 months.
Bree used to make a lot of noise when she duked, after Reena came she
stopped.  Yesterday, I noticed that she was (and still is today) making some
small grunting noises, but it almost sounds like a wheeze, and her nose is
usually damp, and she often stops in the middle of duking and just stares at
me blankly.
1.  Could she have a ferret cold?  I've been reading about ECE and diabetes
and other diseases but I haven't heard of colds or allergies, Are they
2.  And Reena likes to suckle Bree's ears.  Bree usually tolerates it, but
is this normal?  or has anyone heard of it? :)  At first, I thought she was
cleaning Bree's ears for her, they have been cleaner :) since she came.  Any
thoughts on this?
Thanks and *hugs-n-kisses* for all the fuzzies,
breezie -get away from my ears, brat-
reener -waddya mean i don't belong up here?-
[Posted in FML issue 2033]