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Fri, 1 Aug 1997 20:44:47 -0400
Chris and Tara Palaski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
Well, yet again, ferret math has struck our household.  From 5 up to 7 now.
We can sympathize with everyone.  They are SOOOO CUTE!!!!  We are very
happily welcoming Guenther and Gaila (pronounced like Gay-La) into our
already existing business of Boris, Natasha, Misha, Ivan "The Terrible", and
Nikolai (HEY, I'M SUPPOSED TO BE THE BABY HERE!!!!) And if two more wasn't
bad enough, my wife wants to be "the cutest" little blaze female, that she
saw at her supplier this morning!!  We'll have to see about that one
>Date:    Wed, 30 Jul 1997 18:10:07 -0700
>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: 3 or 4 fuzzies??
We found that the difference between 2 ferrets and "infinity" ferrets,
doesn't seem to change all that much after getting used to the first two
(maybe three).  You still need to feed them (more), change their water
(more), and clean their litter box (MORE MORE MORE), but other than those
small changes, we happily say, THE MORE THE MERRIER!!!  You get love (MORE
MORE MORE) back in droves!!  We went through the "should we or shouldn't we"
dilemna with our 3rd and 4th (Misha and Ivan) and now we couldn't imagine
our lives without our babies!!  And not to leave Nikolai out, he is still
our BABY for the moment!!!  We love them all and wouldn't trade any of them
for the world!!!  We have also seen the tendency for ferrets to be happier
playing in even numbers so no one is "left-out".  We've seen it more lately,
but Boris (our second) seems to enjoy exploring on his own, and believe me,
he gets into enough trouble without any help!!!  Don't get me wrong, he
still plays with everyone else, but he likes some alone time too!!  So now,
at least for us, on from 5 Fuzzbutts, to 7.  Most people think we're crazy,
but we just want more to love!!!  Guenther and Gaila will be home most
likely on Monday, Aug 4th.  Anyway, if you love the fuzzy your thinking of
getting, follow Nike's advice and JUST DO IT, you won't be sorry you did!!
Are any of us every sorry to love on of these wonderful little creatures?  I
can hopefully say a great BIG "I'VE NEVER BEEN SORRY" for all of us!!  Enjoy
your 4 fuzzies, and believe me, it won't stop there!!!  Good luck.
Chris, Tara, Boris, Natasha, Misha, Ivan, Nikolai, Guenther, and Gaila!!
P.S.  We are most likely also taking in two-three shelter ferrets in the
very near future!!!  Kym, if you are reading this, HELP!!!  Just kidding,
please give us a call or drop us a note.  We'd love to get together again,
and get some "shelter ferret info".  HELP!!!
[Posted in FML issue 2021]