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Wed, 23 Jul 1997 15:52:18 -0400
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Okay, I thought I may be out of the blue.  I had written on Friday about
Bandit, my oldest having green ickies since Wednesday.  Well we still are
not really eating.  We wont eat/drink Ensure and we stick our nose up to
Science Diet A/D.  We have been taking a 1/2 cc of Pepto (2x's a day
definitely and 3 like dr.  said if lucky, Bandits not cooperative.) and
.25ml of Amoxidrops (2x's a day) since our vet visit Saturday.  Tuesday we
seem to be back to square 1.  Monday he seemed to have formed stools, still
a green but less watery.  Tuesday back to what we had on Wednesday and now a
week later on Wednesday it is still like when we first came down with it.
He's my first ever and almost 1yr.  old.  Maybe I'm going overboard in
worrying but I'm nervous.  I have received a few emails.  Thank you so much.
Things were looking better then and I felt some relief, now I'm questioning
of it all.  Especially as I read more.  He is really my baby.  I still have
Tess separated from him.  I feel so bad this really breaks my heart.  We've
had her since June 28th (Thru adoption and love her dearly) and she's been
with Bandit since June 30th and now has been taken away.  She's in a smaller
cage then usual, much smaller (starter kit size) she is really cramped.  I
though of taking that with us on vaca for a week.  She must be thinking that
we are getting rid of her or something seeing this is what she was in for a
few days when she came here.  I'm looking for something bigger for temporary
use funds though are not there to go to the store so second hand is what
I've been looking for.  I hope I get it and never have to use it again other
then for travel.  They run around at different times now, they are
definitely feeling the strain of that.  Exercise has been cut down in half.
Normally they come out when I get home and back in there cage when I go to
bed.  It's been crushing my heart, they want to be with each other and
they've only been together for such a short time.  I feel like I'm punishing
one when I play with the other.
Well I had to call the vet Tuesday, my vet wasn't working so I had to wait
for another one to call.  After waiting so long I decided to call.  She
didn't make me feel any better at all.  I will be calling today seeing my
vet is in.  Oh yeah let me not forget to mention ECE was ruled out when I
went Saturday as well seeing we have been near no other ferrets or ferret
owners (other then thru email).  She also said that she had not heard of any
outbreaks in our area, Massachusetts, so that was the other reason why it
was ruled out.  Well I discovered that we have a mouse, maybe more in the
apartment building.  I haven't seen one yet but there droppings were found
in the kitchen, away from the cage but can they carry ECE??  Maybe the vet
can answer when and if she calls.  From reading I look for signs but it
seems like it even matches a bacterial infection.  We never became lethargic
that I've noticed or any other symptoms.  I read the FAQ and everything
though sounds questionable and even after reading some more email.  Wouldn't
Tess be showing signs.
It's hard for me.  We (Shane and I)know no other fuzzy owners nor do my
friends seem to into my fuzzies except one.  Well she's not like into them
but she loves my Bandit and Tess.  If only she was available this wouldn't
be so long.  People at work tell me that they are good with Ketchup.  I know
they are trying to be cute but I'm a concerned Mom.  My baby is sick granted
he doesn't act it.  You wouldn't guess except for his stools and not eating
like he used to.  I even think he's lost weight only because his bell collar
is now much looser.  He still though has all the flexibility in his skin.  I
don't feel like I'm being a good mom seeing I can't make it go away.
I am so worried, I should start taking the Pepto I think I'm getting an
ulcer.  I thought bad things only happen in 3's.  This would be the fourth
actually 5th oh maybe 6th.  It's a bad month I tell ya.
Well I think I've taken up enough of the FML so far.  It's just really nice
to know that there is someone that is out there listening seeing I don't get
that satisfaction around here, Thank you FML readers and writers.
Thank you so much for listening/reading.  Or even skimming.
Emily - A very worried mom.  Good news and info welcomed at my email address
as always.
Bandit - I feel fine, keep that pink stuff away *scream*.
Tess - I wanna play with Bandit.  I want to go back in my cage let me in
Hugs and kisses to all the Fuzzies!
Talked to vet and I was told Mice wouldn't be a carrier of ECE.  Still
thinks he doesn't have it, the thought is an intestinal bacterial thing.
I've been told though that this can even last a few weeks.  Is there an
easier way to give the pink stuff??  Or any meds for that matter.  How long
has others experienced that???  I just can't see giving him this stuff for
2wks more if that is what it turns out to be.  I hate my baby being sick!!
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[Posted in FML issue 2012]