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Fri, 18 Jul 1997 13:41:51 -0700
Danny M Williamson Jr <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
Hi all,
Long time no post;^).  What is the word on the man in jail in Michigan over
anonymous turnover of ferret?  Has anyone been able to contact this man and
offer some support or kind words?  I've read he is ill and I'm worried,
since not much has been posted.  Does anyone have access to him personally
and would he like to hear from FMLers with support?  Someone posted awhile
back about needing some info on shampoos and conditioners, etc.  BIG, I have
no vested interest in the companys I'm fittin'ta mention, but I like their
products and I've had excellent results with them.  So,if it is ok with you
I'll list them so others may try them.
By DVM Pharmaceuticals,Inc. Miami, Fla.
HyLyt :Bath oil/Coat conditioner (spray or rinse)w/Natural Moisturing
Factor and *Essential Fatty Acids
HyLyt :(soap-free)Hypoallergenic Moisturizing Shampoo w/Natural
Moisturizing Factors and *Essential Fatty Acids
Hansen's Pet Systems, po box 9924, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660
Banana Nut Plus : exfoliating Shampoo for dry, scaling or itchy skin
                  type conditions.
Cherry RE-MO Plus :leave-in Remoisturizer (the ultimate dry skin
De-Lime Citrus Plus :Shampoo/a non-pesticidal alternative/aids in the
control of insect related skin problems.
I use these products with excellent results and my ferts quit the stop
dead in the track for scratch fit or instant wake and roll out hammock
scratch fit. And they smell so good, too!
I purchase the *efa Hylyt products thru Vet.  The Hansen's Pet System thru
I hope this helps all those itchy ferts out there as well as it has mine!
Goodem' luckem',
Sheba aka [DS]
PS Last but definitly not least, please don't let one persons' ignorance and
jealously keep you off the FML.  I will miss the both of you dearly.  I
enjoy the humor and the wit of you both.  Bob you are to smart to let some
petty piss-ant run you off.  I will personally offer an ass kickin' contest
to the idiot harassin' you.  I'm a true Texan without all the other blood
lineage to tie me down and my boots were made for more than just walking!
I've been known to kick a little s*** here 'n thar.  Fuzzie Hugs to your 17,
from my 14 + 4 I'm babysitting!
[Posted in FML issue 2007]