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Sat, 5 Jul 1997 07:18:54 -0400
"[log in to unmask]"@MAILHOST.CAPECOD.NET
text/plain (17 lines)
Hello all, It has come time for me to pass on my two female ferrets to
someone who can devote some good quality time to them.  They are both almost
a year old and excellent pets.  They have brought many, many days of
enjoyment to my life.  I know that you would love them as much as I do.
Unfortunately my working hours have been extended to the point where I can
only spend time with them on the weekends.  They surely deserve more than
that.  They are great with people and children and like to sleep in your
lap.  They have had free roam of the house and have earned that privledge by
behaving accordingly.  They come with a cage and all the accessories.  All
I'm looking for in return is a promise that you'll treat them well and
$100.00.  They must go as a pair because breaking them up would be too hard
of a thing to do.
                They deserve better,
                    [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1994]