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Tue, 24 Jun 1997 21:19:54 -0700
zen and the art of ferrets - bill and diane <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (118 lines)
First a clarification about something I wrote yesterday.  I cited a website
that discussed the rumors about Proctor and Gamble.  Although I mentioned
Amway by name, that company states that it does not condone the rumor
mongering.  Several independant Amway distributors have been sued over these
rumors.  But from my connections to Amway years ago I know most Amway
distributors are good honest folk and not involved.  The site I mentioned is
involved with the alt.folklore.urban newsgroup dedicated to ferreting out
the truth about urban legends (I did what I could to make this related to
ferrets).  We in ferrets have to deal with urban legends about ferrets all
the time and my main point of this whole topicwas to point out the problems
in our as a ferret owning community starting our own urban legends.
>From:    Melissa Litwicki <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Marshall 'accountability'
I certainly hope you do follow through.  I strongly support us as ferret
owners trying to work with the largest breeder out there.  But very it is
important that if we start doing this we should also send the "good" along
with the "bad" so they can see that we are trying to be fair to them.
>But, seriously, who has influence with them, or what liason at MF should I
>attempt to contact?
You have a valid point about wanting to talk to MF.  Why not write to the
AFA and see what they do?  If you work with an organization that has earned
respect in the ferret owning community than you gain their respect at the
start and avoid the "coming out of left feild" syndrome.  I'm sure that
someone in the AFA is alreday in touch with Marshall but the AFA could use
more volunteers.  Assisting or even relieving whoever is in that position
I'm positive would be appreciated.
>The point being, it would be nice if MF could, as the seller, attempt to
>enforce a 'batch' tracking method (not an individual ferret tracking method!)
>that at the very least could id a group of ferrets by month/year born, etc.
Okay.  If you can come up with an idea that would not cost Marshall more
than they make on livestock, suggest the method.  Even volunteering to HELP
them since it benefits us ferret owners you have a chance.  It would not be
too difficult for them to modify the two dot system a tiny bit to tattoo a
trackable code.  The less they add the more affordable it is but also the
less "useful".  This can help get around the brokers that mess up the
paperwork as long as you don't get counterfeits.
>> If you would rather follow emotional appeals to the evilness of Marshall
And I certainly did NOT mean you.  I agree about the accountability.  But
with the current situation we have to take responsibility as well.
>Regardless of whether or not it would be helpful, efficacious, or impossible
>to implement, I am going to contact MF asking them to try to start providing
>a means for people to respond to them on the long-term health of the ferrets
>they sell so that they can provide a better product.
GREAT!  But you have to give a little.  Explain how it can be done and what
YOU are going to do to help them.  Again I'd recommend getting the support
of a group large eough to "help" since it will be a large task and we are
partially responsible.  We can't get something for nothing.
>From:    alphachi <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: MF: bubble, bubble, toil and trouble...
>It ain't rocket science.
You are right.  Its harder.  I've done rocket science - satellites in
specific.  Large systems with data input and analysis at many locations is
>>A large chain that gets many ferrets at the same time would be hard pressed
>>to identify each individual ferret so that that ferrets lineage could be
>MMmm, I said just the opposite.
Yup.  Now implement a system on that large a scale.  The paperwork if
burdensome will NOT get done.  Its a major issue in designing software and
other systems.  The larger the scope the more paperwork and the more cost.
Pet stores can not afford computer systems nor extra people dedicated to
this kind of tracking; at least not without passing the cost on to us the
consumer.  The pet industry especially at the reatil level is very
competitive and cost sensitive.  Proposing Marshall do all of this work and
sticking the pet stores with all of this work is very nice but naive.
Unless we as ferret owners do it it will not get done.
>You certainly cannot deny habitually defending MF
I certainly can and I do.  I do NOT like many of the things MF does.  I have
always said that and unless things change I always will.  But I will not
base my opinions on half-truths and lies.  I will base it on demonstratable
>1.  Why does MF continue to spay and neuter ferrets LONG before medical
Early spay/alter is supported by the AKC for dogs.  There is no scientific
evidence that it causes problem in ferrets.  Only conjecture.  Will you pay
for studies?  I'm sure if you are willing to do all the administration and
systematic efforts for such as task you can get volunteers to help with the
work and the funding.  Its more the aesthetic than medical arguments in
favor of delaying altering.  We THINK it might affect their health.  We
believe through observation that it seems to affect their growth.  I know of
no studies on ferrets.  If someone does please let me know.
>2. How many breeder ferrets does MF put to death each year as policy and at
>what age?
I don't know, nor do you, nor anyone outside of MF.  Unfortunately we have
to accept the fact that MF is a business.  Unless we can convince the
consumers to stop buying ferrets this will still be the case.  We do NOT
know what their policy on aging ferrets is.  Some do get used in research,
we SUSPECT that some are put down but we do not know at what age.
>3.  Under what conditions are the surgical procedures done, and by whom?
We do not know for sure.  I discount the yellow journalism that makes up
facts as the authors choose.  It is the gadflies that have forced MF to
close its doors to the average ferret owner.  We hurt ourselves.
bill killian
[Posted in FML issue 1983]