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Wed, 21 May 1997 13:22:19 -0700
David Doyle <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (60 lines)
Hello all,
Well, yesterday we got out the tripod (oooh, professional!!!) and our little
10-year old friend Robert came over the play with the fuzzies and he was so
excited to be a movie star that he called his mom and told her so!  He
really helped us with getting shots of the ferrets running up and down the
stairs in groups... great footage!!!!
[commercial paragraph deleted with Dave's permission]
So, with all that in order, we should be able to get the video out very
soon, and the book will be coming shortly after (depends on how bogged down
I get with summer school - Cellular Biology - Bleeeechhhhhhhhhh!!!!)
Still, in the meantime, we need fun posts for the Ferret-Tails mailing list
and would love to get mail from everyone, cause we read it to the ferrets!
Of course, they can read it themselves late at night when we are asleep they
log into the computer ... but we just pretend that they are animals and
can't do that stuffs, even tho.  we know they can!!!
The webpage is still under construction, but by posting the url finally it
will most likely motivate me to finish the page..hehehe... here it is:
So, I gotta go, send us some e-mails and have a great day!!!  Play with your
fuzzies for us, cause we would love to but we don't live near you now do
P.S.  The other night while we was seepin' (best time to do bad stuffs) the
fuzz-butts broke into the raisin can and finished it off... oh, I bet they
had sore tummies all day!!!
P.P.S.  My political comment about Kodo (I hate politics - yechhhh!):
When are the powers-that-be gonna get a clue about domestic ferrets?  Maybe
our video will help?  Maybe they will play it on every major network on
cable and everyone will see how wonderful ferrets really are and go out and
get their own and use the care tips in the video and posts on the FML to
take good care of them???  Am I only dreaming here???
Love and Dooks To All!
~The Doyle Zoo~
The Ferret Six-Pack: Rosie, Maxie, Sammi, Shiva, Anthony, & Cleopatra
The Dwarf Hamsters: Romeo & Juliet & Many, Cute, Wittle Babies
The Dalmation Bunnies: Roger & Jack
The Teddy-bear hamsters: Charity & Cindy
The Rest of the Zoo:  Solo & Sally Mander (tiger salamanders), 3 Newts, 2
Leopard Frogs, 1 Tree Frog, 1 River Frog, 1 Butterfly Koy, and a mess o'
P.S. Please visit our webpage at:
for more info. about our ferret books & video!
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=v==v= =v==v= =v==v=
[Posted in FML issue 1943]