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Wed, 14 May 1997 20:56:55 -0500
Bob Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Well, I'm off!  My rocker that is.  I will be gone long before anyone reads
this, and will be on my way to Texass in a few minutes.  I'll be in Austin
on Friday, and after the bone work will visit a few folks, then off to the
nether regions of CaCA land.  I'll get there this weekend, visit a few
people, then more work.  It looks like I'll be mostly offline for the next
week, so feel free to flame my butt while I'm gone.
I'll be driving through El Paso and Yuma, so I should be acclimatized to hot
weather before I get to CaCa land.  I'm bringing my 4X5 camera and plan on
making a few stops.  Ever try to photograph a ferret with a view camera?
I have no ferts with me, but I do have lots of their pictures, so feel free
to ask.  The fee is slight and worth the expense, he he.
Someone asked me if Elizabeth was real.  Unfortunately so.  She is planning
to go to Florida with me for the FML thing, and you can all see for yourself
how a) beautiful she is, b) how fast she runs, and c) how nasty she is to
me.  Actually, I think a few FMLers have spoken to her on the phone while
attempting to call me (like a grad student doing research and working full
time is ever home.  Silly thought).  Missouri residents should carefully
scan their sports sections during the high school state championships.  They
will at least see her name in the 1 mile column, although I think this year
might not be her best because she lost a lot of training time when she was
ill earlier this year.  Still, she will qualify, which says a lot.  And to
quell the rumor, yes I do like her.  Some.
In the "Bob is in another world" department, Elizabeth suggested a bunch of
CaCa fert people don ferret t-shirts and go to a Leno show.  If a big enough
group are together in the audience, you might get noticed.  She also thought
a bunch of easterners should do the same thing to Letterman, who would
probably enjoy recieving a "I have a ferret in my drawers" t-shirt, and have
even a better chance to get on tv.  Of course, the picture on the t-shirt
would be a fert in a chest of drawers.
So, I'm off.  See some of you soon, Washington DC people in June, NY NY
people in July, and Pittsburgh people in August.
[Posted in FML issue 1934]