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Thu, 3 Jul 1997 07:11:57 -0700
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (413 lines)
Here is the final draft of the (my) Kodo candle tribute.  (Other people also
are working on tributes.)
Anyway, fax it, E mail it, print it, save it, do with it what you like.  It
was a sad and joyous list to work on, and it helped me grieve in my way.
CA DJ, Boo-Boo, Lil' Dude, and Bear
Here are some folks who should probably get a copy...
The Judge who helped Kodo:
Judge Richard Allen Griffin
Michigan Court of Appeals
3310 Grandview Plaza
10850 Traverse Highway
Traverse City, MI 49684-1363
Senator Christopher D. Dingell
PO Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536
Phone: (517) 373-7800
Fax: (517) 373-9310
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Dr. Mary Grace Stobierski DVM, MPH Disease Surveillance Section / DCD /BIDC
Michigan Department of Community Health
3500 Martin Luther King Dr.
P.O. Box 30035
Lansing, MI  48909
Phone:  (517) 335-8165
Fax:  (517) 335-8121
E-mail:  [log in to unmask]
The Director of the Michigan Department of Community Health is:
James Haveman
320 S. Walnut
Lansing, MI  48913
Phone:  (517) 335-0267
Fax:  (517) 373-4288
(Stobierski boss)
Governor John Engler
The George W. Romney Bldg.
111 South Capitol
3rd Floor
Lansing, MI  48933
(or P.O. Box 30013, Lansing, Michigan  48909)
Phone:  (517) 335-7858 or (517) 373-3400
Fax:  (517) 335-6863 or (517) 335-6949
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Web site address:  http://www.migov.state.mi.us
Martha Fitzhugh, Bay County Corporation Counsel
Fax:  (517) 895-7658
Assistant Attorney General, Denise H. Chrysler (state prosecutor)
Fax:  (517) 373-0241
Animal Control to fax Karen Burns (actually Mosquito Control, the
building next door to them)
Fax:  (517) 894-0526
For all the innocents who were taken before their time due to disease,
accidents, neglect, cruelty, ignorance, fear, and stupidity...
To the people who gave unselfishly of their time and money to fight this
To the people who perpetuated it...or did nothing to stop it...we will never
let you forget.
But mostly, this is for Kodo - "Our tiny ferret who lights up the world."
"There's a candle burning in Jerusalem".....Love, Bev, EB and Freddie the
new kid...at theJerusalem Biblical Zoo
"There's a candle lit in Germany too!"
"I would like to send you my condolences,  I followed your fight from the
Evelien Gilbert-de Laaf
"There's a candle burning in South Australia too"....John and Sandy
"There is a new star shining over Western Australia now.  Kodo, you will be
with us always.  We're just so sorry our efforts couldn't help you."
Philip, Nona & Alexia.
"Helen Keller said, "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot
be seen or even touched.  They must be felt with the heart."
This is how it was with Kodo.  His memory will always be with us in our
Nicolas & Danielle Langley
Perth, Western Australia
"Here in Sydney Australia we have had a candle burning for Kodo since we
heard the terrible news"....Vic
"To Kodo a sweet innocent ferret who was murdered by the state of Michigan,
I will never forget and will fight to stop this happening to ferrets world
wide".....Barb Gustafson (aka Boots) Alberta, Canada
""Kodo, you were a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the
stars: you had the right to be here, but someone dimmed your light before
your time.  A candle burns in Nova Scotia, Canada for you" -
Cassie and Andre, and the boys Bixby & Bailey
"There's a candle (probably more than one) burning for Kodo in Saskatchewan
Canada as well".....Amy and Regina
"I light a candle not only for Kodo, but for all the little noses here and
beyond.  Never let them doubt how much they mean to us."
Glen with Morgane Le Feyret and Merlyn
"A candle's burning in Massachusetts"...Ronnie DiComo, Ralphie, Harry,
Prince Charming, Merlin
"Though he was an animal whom I never even met, his death has affected me
more than any human I've known.  Perhaps because he was an innocent, whose
fate rested in the hands of the ignorant and cowardly.  May some good yet
come of it.  For now - peace, Kodo.  Your candle burns with us in
Shrewsbury, MA, as well.
CJ Staples & family
"I couldn't be in Michigan for the candlelight tribute, so I lit one here at
home (Mass) and took all of my fuzzies up to it and told them all the story
of Kodo".....Sharon & her Kodo's, Chi Chi, Lebby, Amber Rose, Sheba, Wolfie
and the baby
tthere's a candle burning in Athens, Ohio tonight.  We miss you, Kodo!"
"A candle burns for Kodo in Oberlin, Ohio." Linda
"My condolences to the Jacobs Family for the loss of Kodo.I know it's not
much, but I have a candle burning here in Ohio and I will try everything I
can to help prevent this from ever happening again."
Sam, Rascal, Bandi and Robin
"We'll keep a candle lit here in Montana for you all and Kodo"....Brett and
"Kodo was truly everyone's ferret.  He is missed by us all in St. Louis, MO."
Kurt and Sara Petersen, Cognac, Danyel, Skotter, Fog, Preen, Toccata,
Buddie, Spice,
Jodeci, Sol, Luna and Karice -  And at the Rainbow Bridge with Kodo:
Ariel, Daffnie, Twilight, Ghost and Bear
"And Kodo, our candles in South Carolina are still and will continue to
burn"....The Herricks, Laura and Shon, Abbey and Priscilla
"Bob, I'm truly sorry for your loss.  A candle burns in Raleigh, NC for
Kodo.  He is gone but will not be forgotten." J Dunn
"Kodo, your memory will always be close to our hearts.  May your flame
burn forever as it is here in NC."
Donna and Sammy and Cody (the ferret children).
"We'll keep a candle lit here in Colorado, too! We love you Kodo..."
Nancy and the ferretkids -- Juneau, Blizzard, Simba, and Yukon
from Colorado Springs, Colorado.
"Another Candle has been lit in Colorado....". Susan, Carlos, Hugo,
Izzy, Taos, Elbert and Sammy
"I have lit a candle in Oklahoma City for Kodo"...Mary, Spike, Hawkeye,
Bilbo, and Bandit
"A candle's burning in Seattle.  Kodo's wardancing with the gods now."
"A candle burns for Kodo from Ferret Rescue of Spokane" love, Tracey Kilmer
"A candle burns in memory of beloved Kodo In Spokane, forever in our
hearts".... Heather and her carpet babies.
"Each day possible a candle is lit in Arizona for Kodo and all animals."
David and Kaye Porter and the six Prescott Az. ferrets.
"A candle burns in my window tonite for a gentle soul lost because a human
could not say "I was mistaken." I'm sorry.  Sorry you died in a world where
ignorance is the standard and ignorance kills.  Sorry you died for a humans
pride." Ed
""All the darkness in the world can not put out the light of a single
candle." If one candle can do that, just imagine what all of Kodo's can do!!
Strength to us, for him and for all the furrchildren."
Chryss and Khia
"A candle is burning in southern CA also for Kodo."
"I still remember the celebration in the universe when I first knew that I
would be selected to watch over you. The other angels sang songs of joy and
congratulations to me. I was overcome with anticipation. I remember the
moment of your birth, those who saw you deemed you a miracle. You are one of
a kind, rarest of the rare, you are a priceless treasure. And I am better
for having known you, loved you, and having been blessed with the honor of
your presence in my life.....there are many candles burning tonight in
Northern California as well...the Golden Gate glows with your spirit."
Phyllis, Boo-Boo, Lil' Dude and Bear-Bear
"To KODO: We loved you and hoped to be celebrating your release."
To the Michigan Legal System: "You may have won this one battle by
distorting the facts, but you have not killed just one ferret, you have
given life to a whole movement that is determined not to let this happen
Mimi Steel - Pleasanton, Ca
"And a candle is lit in Susanville, California.  your flame will not burn
down, Kodo.  we love you." Sheriece Mize
"A candle is burning in California for you Kodo.  I know that you will live
on in our memories.  Your ferret kisses will be missed but your little sweet
spirit lives on" Michael Harris
"My heart and sympathies go out to Bob and his family.
I plan to never set foot in the state of Michigan, and if California's
AB-363 gets killed in the upcoming Senate election, I will move to a more
ferret-friendly state." Jennifer, Jasmine, Casey and Samantha in California
"There's a candle burning in Georgia and in my heart for you Kodo"...Jackie
"We will light a candle tonight from Fort Wayne, Indiana in memory of
everyone's beloved Kodo"....Pat & the Crazy 10!
"A candle is burning in New Hampshire for Kodo and all others taken before
their time"....Dick and Joan B.
"I will light a candle in Springfield, Virginia for Kodo" ...
"And one continues to burn in Caroline Co., Virginia, My candle is burning
on the windowsill for you...candles are burning all over the world for you,
Kodo....WE LOVE YOU"!....Karen Daigneault
"I have lit a candle called 'Spring Time' for Kodo.  I live in Va.  Beach,
Va., another kill & test state." Fran and Quincy
"The candle will never die here at Inuit for Kodo....Fredericksburg, VA"
Steve A
"A candle is lit in Morgantown, WV for little Kodo".....Chris and Fidget
"Kodo Kandlemania has hit every window of our house in Randallstown, MD!
June 12 will forever be Kodo Appreciation Day!"
Bonnie & Jim (& Stinky, Squeaker, and Beano, the Baltimore fuzzbusters)
"Maryland's "candle" is lit, and it will burn until all ferrets have the
equal rights that they so justly deserve in *every* state."
In Ferret Love & Brotherhood.... Mary, Farrah, & Rocky
"And we lit another in Maryland - a small flame for a small ferret who
lights up the sky...." Beth Comarow and David Burns
"A candle was lit in Bethesda"...Beth
"There's a candle lit in Deale, Maryland, too.  God Bless"....Suzie
"The candle here in Hyattsville, Maryland burns every night for Kodo, his
family, and for all the other precious ferrets around the world who leave
for Rainbow Bridge, not of their own free will, but at the hands of the
ignorant.  One day ferrets will all be free.  Let us harness all the energy
of ferret lovers everywhere and channel it in the direction we need to go in
order to accomplish this.  We love you KODO." Pat Ball - Treasured Ferrets.
"And one lit in Wash, DC"...Daphne
"Kodo's candle is an enternal flame here in NH."
Kari and the 2 carpet sharks, Komoto & Aboo
"There are four candles lit for Kodo in Troy, Michigan."
Love, Toni and my four girls:  Zoe, Riley, Izzy, and Holly
"As Kodo lights the heavens with his light of love, we've added another
bit of candlelight for him here in Maine"......
"There is a candle lit in Pompano Beach Florida for our little Kodo and as
we move across country in July, we will carry our lit candle and tell
everyone we meet about Kodo and the fight."... Love from Ladybug's Ark -
CJ Ladybug...handmistress to KoKo and YumYum / Keeper of Kodo's Flame
"Kodo's candle glows in Florida, a 7 day candle, there are several more
waiting on the shelf we will not let this light go out , the memorial will
last 30 days.  Peace and blessings to Kudo's human family".....Barb G.
"Florida will never let them forget Kodo nor the countless other Kodos that
have gone before and after him. "In life Kodo would unite us in Spirit but,
in his Death Kodo has Bound Us Eternal".
The Brevard Rescue and Shelter - Marie Wallace
"There is a candle lit for KODO in Hollywood, Florida.  I have hugged my six
fuzzies and promised that the law here in Florida will be changed to protect
them and all their loving brothers and sisters." - Joanne D'Amico
"Kodo, even though we can not be there in person for the candle vigil, I
want you to know that we will be lighting and burning our candle for you,
here in Ocala Florida.
Feel the love and the warmth that we extend to you.  Bless you, Kodo.  You
have been a uniting force.  God sent you to us for a very special purpose.
You are truly a ferret of the world!" - Barbara, Sneezy, and Pepper
"This candle remains lit in Tampa, Fla for Kodo - an innocent victim of
political infighting, dishonesty, and arrogance." Paula
"Kodo, your family lost your light from their lives as we've gained the
brightness of your star in the night sky.  Shine on, little one!"
Lucie Darkes, Tampa, Florida
"We remember you, Kodo.  A candle burns in Gainesville, Florida."
Gerald, Andrea, Paco, Rosco
"Our candle in Kansas is burning brightly to light your way to the Bridge,
Kodo.  Dance merrily, little love".....
"Dear Kodo, We's told our mom we's all wants our own candle, so we's has 8
burning for you here in Stillwater.  Until we's sees you at the Bridge DOOK
DOOK!" Your MN cuzins:
Phannie Mae, Cisco, Cujimonster, Grandpa Zeek, Chanceymuffin Pippi, Sherlock
and baby Chaos.
"A candle is burning here too in Minnesota for you, Kodo"...
"Another candle burns in Minneapolis, MN--sometimes two or three."
Nancy, Walt and Caitriona, pets of Adjective and Cyclone
"Our candle in Woodbury, Minnesota burns every night for Kodo"....
Alison, Jason, Petey, Oliver, and Chloe
"Many candles light up the Arkansas night".....
Loni Wolfrom, Ed Wolfrom, Tony Wolfram, Miriah Wolfram, Candise Wolfram,
Kenneth Wolfram, Jessie Davis, Starla Franks, Samantha Franks, Preston
"There's a flame burning here in Virginia Beach tonight for our dear
sweet Kodo the Kute".....Kymberlie Becker/Director, Pennsylvania Ferret
Rescue Association
"A candle flames brightly for you Kodo, never to be forgotten, forever to be
loved in Texas.  Bless you Kodo, may your passing not be in vain"...Sandi
"A candle is burning in Texas for Kodo, on behalf of the Ferret Lovers' Club
of Texas.  Words cannot express the anger and sadness"....Erika Matulich
Socks, Slinky, Bear, Compton, Thor, Sasha, Misty, Lizzie, LilBear, Flower
and the rest of the ferrets in Texas
"Kodo, I promise your death will not be in vain.  I will fight for freedom
for ferrets everywhere--in your name.  I will light a candle, but every time
I see one, I will think of you." Chris--San Antonio, Texas
"I just lit my candle for Kodo, here in New Jersey"....Ela
"A candle burns for Kodo in Piscataway, New Jersey.
Kodo, you have not died in vain, we kommandos will make sure of that."
Melody Tomaszewicz
"All of us lovers of fuzzy ferrets have a candle lit for Kodo in Smithtown,
Long Island, New York with the hope to brighten the sad nights since Kodo's
death."  Samone Cook (Bear & Gizmo too)
"There's a candle burning in Islandia, New York for you tonight Kodo!
Kodo, I feel like a lost my own little fuzzie.  We tried so hard, sweetie,
but we couldn't stop them..  You didn't die in vain, baby, because you will
be the Guardian Angel for all the fuzzies in the world..  Your name will
make it right!!  We love you, Kodo and will never allow the world to forget
you." Fran Brown
"NYC has lit a candle for Kodo"....Bernard Beaupin
"Candles are burning here in New York State also!  Kodo will NOT be
Barb Griswold, Gus and Zak
"We will remember Kodo!" Mim family, Brooklyn, NY.
"There's a candle burning in Syracuse for KODO, too"...Melissa
"There is a candle burning here in Chicago Il".....Patty Petrillo
"For Kodo's family: My thoughts, prayers, are on their way to you.
Even though Kodo could not be spared you have sparked a flame in our ferret
community that has the chance to make some remarkable changes take place.
Keep the Faith..."
In Illinois - Serra (and Ringo, Niki, Chili, Dexter, and Whitie)
"My condolences to you and your family on the loss of Kodo.
My family will light a candle at church (St. Patrick's Catholic Church in
Washington, IL) for you, your family and Kodo.  Hang in there.  We will keep
you in our prayers."
Ferret hugs & kisses, Donelle, Christian, and Sebastian - Kalie, Moose,
"I can see Kodo's light from Kokomo, IN.  It is the strong, unwavering light
of martyrdom and thousands will avenge it." Cheryl M Forbis
"this place will be lit up like a torch for Kodo...Come on, fellow ferts,
it's time for our new show, Kodo By Candlelight....."
Laurie Murchie
"A candle burns for Kodo in Washington, Pennsylvania"....Becky Herron
"A candle is lit in Independence, KY in memory of Kodo".....Anita, Doug,
Buddy and Binky
"And a permanent light, in the sky, overlooking the Earth - Please let
everyone know a star has been named for Kodo."
May Kodo's Light Shine for the Whole World to See.
[Posted in FML issue 1994]