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"Michael Schieman, Mee Maw and ferrets" <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 30 Aug 1997 01:33:39 -0400
text/plain (49 lines)
Hi folks!
We ain't gots much time to write this on account of beacuse we is way behind
on stuff since our big pooter done crashed -and the Old Fert's feelin'
poorly again - as usual.
Just wanted to let you folks know that somebody is playing games - and they
ain't much fun.
We gotted a diskette in the mail last week that was supposed to have some
fun ferret stuff on it.  We looked at it and didn't find a danged thing on
it.  We fingered that it was a bad disc.  We wented to bed.  The next
morning, Mee Maw had to take a boot to the pooter for some reason or other.
That's when all heck done broke loose.  She didn't know that we had left
that there disc in the floppy drive.
Of a sudden like, we done losted half of our drives, and the virus fixin'
thingy's wouldn't work no more because our memory had done got amnesia.  Paw
Paw looked that virus up on the Internet and found out that it was "a rather
unremarkable boot sector virus." Well, we're here to told you that that
sucker has done mutated.  It done crashed the whole danged pooter!  It used
to be called FORM.A, but it has done changed a whole lot.
Anyway, the Old Folks scratched their headbones, said a lot of bad words,
and kept doin' programmin' things until they made that bad bug go away.We's
writtin' this on the big pooter that got so sick, so it must be wokin'
We ain't gonna say who it was that sented us that disc with the virus on it.
We just can't believe that a ferret person would knowingly do such a thing.
They probably got the virus from somebody else and didn't know that they
were passing it along - we hope.
Well, we just wanted to let folks know to be on the lookout.  Don't get all
excited when you gets a disc in the mail that's supposed to have ferret
stuff on it, and there ain't no files on it.  Throw that sucker away.  Make
danged sure that you don't leave it in your floppy drive so it will get you
the next time you have to boot your pooter.  Believe us, it takes a whole
lot of work to make your pooter work again when it catches this new version
of the FORM.A virus.
There sure are some sick puppies out there. We just can't believe that any
ferret folks would be helping them out.
Many much loves, hugs, and cold-wet noses in the middle of the night,
Tater and Odie
[Posted in FML issue 2049]