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Mon, 3 Nov 1997 21:16:00 -0700
Gary Holowicki <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
Well, last night for the 3rd time Spaz was blocked urinary wise.  By 5am
with gentle massage he was flowing again.  I guess since he was climbing up
into the hammock & I 'thought' I saw water being drunk, that once a day
recipe would do..  Two days proved that wrong.  sigh.  It seems like here at
week 10 his stuffy nose is a bit better.., that started as the flu going
around.  Everyone else is good but Olivia is still eating mostly recipe &
likes a treat of orange juice I cut with water 50-50... (!) First fert I
knew of liking OJ!
Timmy I'm happy to say is doing well.  His coat is getting darker for
winter, no weight change.  It's in the 50's now at night (cold for Phoenix),
but Olivia is much heavier & fluffy of coat.  She's in the living room that
is a couple of degrees cooler, so I don't know if that's enough for the coat
change.  Same color.
Bunny is slowly continuing to gain more fur down her sides, but it's a
battle keeping her lymph nodes down.  Since she's over 9, the vet thinks the
outlook is dim, suspects lymphoscarcoma.  When she was spinning around in
circles a shot of B 17 stopped that.  She really doesn't like even subQ (who
does), so I'm trying more often recipe feedings & taper down the shots.
She's acting very comfortable & nibbles some dry food ok.  She's still queen
of the motor home, having full time run of it.  She earned that when she
wouldn't eat often enough in a cage & had seizures.  Running free, no
Noticing the shorter life lengths & more diseases US animals (not just
ferrets I'm told) seem to have, I know the food is deficient in minerals due
to commercial farming that's depleting the soil..  I was supprised to view
on NBC Night side tv program on 10/16/97, a story of toxic waste being put
into the fertilizer that farmers put on crops!  Apparently it's legal in 26
states to do that, without even disclosing it on the package.  As if our
immune systems didn't have enough to cope with.  I digitized it into a 20
mb.  quicktime movie, email me if you can use a copy..  I have a Mac &
compressed it into a 14 mb.  .sae file also.  I extracted a 1 & 2mb.  audio
file I'll see if I can get put on Timmy's web site.  I can send that to
interested parties also.
It seems to fit right into the health model I used to help Timmy recover
from his lymphoma, that by giving our kids the benefit a lot of us do for
ourselves of pure water, good food & supplements we can make a large
difference in the health and quality of lives for us and those we care for.
On the other side, toxins in the water, food, etc.  will definitely make
good health hard to come by.
Take care,
 Gary & the gang of fur
Timmy's web site=<http://www.concentric.net/~Gferret/>
[Posted in FML issue 2114]