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Sun, 5 Oct 1997 13:07:17 -0400
"Ferret Aid Society..." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
For everyone who has given me tips about princess, thank you.  She gave
birth on Saturday.  I have never seen this before and was VERY worried about
Princess gave birth to 5 babies however, only 3 survived.  I had originally
thought that one of the surviving babies had a terrible miss-formation, but
I over reacted because 12 hours later, it turned to be afterbirth that
Princess didn't clean up.
I don't know how new born ferrets look, but boy, do they ever have long
necks!  And they are sooo tiny!!  She is very proud of them and lifts her
little hind leg up when we come into the room, just to show them off.  She
even brought one to me to look at it.
Our local cable channel is coming over on Tuesday with a television crew to
do a story on us (the shelter).  Hopefully this will be a good thing and we
will be able to adopt out some of the ferrets we have for adoption.
Take care all of you!! Love, Ms. Randy Belair the F.A.S.T.   Toronto, Canada
[Posted in FML issue 2085]