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Sat, 20 Sep 1997 19:36:42 -0400
Kymberlie Becker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
Hi all...
Two things on my agenda today.  First of all, a little Patches update and a
question about him.  Patches is doing pretty well, I'd say remarkably well
for a ferret that recently had a one pound spleen removed while battling
lymphoma, cardiomyopathy, anemia, and then on top of it all lost the use of
his back leg.  He's taking his pred pills soooooo well.  As for the loss of
the use of his back leg, well he's learned to "motor around" quite well (we
call it "motoring" because he doesn't walk and "dragging" sounded too
awful--he's not really dragging anymore, he walks on his back
"knees"...kinda cute, actually).  Anyway, he does seem to be a little
depressed lately, I think he might be frustrated because he can't do the
things that his cagemate Slinky can.  And the poor little devil, I felt so
bad when I heard this: when I was on my honeymoon Chris and Tara Palaski
ferret sat him and three others in their home (THANK YOU GUYS!!!) Well once
Chris was watching Patches get into the litterbox and somehow Patches
flipped over onto his back in the process and didn't quite know what to do
about it, so he was just going to go potty while on his back (can you just
picture this?) when Chris rushed in to save the day and flipped him over...
my poor little tyke!!!  I guess he has the right to be a bit depressed.  But
in general, he really is doing very well, eating, drinking, defecating (with
difficulty sometimes!) normally, and he does attempt to get some runtime
every day.  Anyway, I'm rambling... here's my question.  I've heard quite a
few people tell me that Pau d'Arco is a godsend among herbal remedies.  I am
a skeptic normally about these things, but hey, when you love your babies
the way I do mine, you still listen when there is hope... so I went out and
bought some of the Pau d'Arco capsules (they were out of the liquid).  The
lady at the store said that I should still be able to give Patches the
powder in the capsule, but she didn't know how much or how often to give it.
Can someone out there who has used this stuff with success please tell me
how much to give him?  And I would love to hear your stories about this
product, if anyone has used it.
Secondly, I've been away from the FML lately (weddings and honeymoons tend
to keep you from your 'pooter, believe it or not :-) ) but I just read that
someone has a ferret that sleeps and screams.  Well I don't have that
problem exactly, but it did remind me to ask if anyone else has encountered
this... two of my ferrets "snore." Shadow does it and there is nothing else
I can call it but snoring...I don't know if that is what it is or not.
Trouble also snores, but sometimes she also makes this horrid noise kind of
between a grunt and a whimper.  Like she goes snore snore snore (deep
breath) WHIMPERGRUNT snore snore snore.... I get so worried, it sounds like
she's in pain but I wake her up and she is fine.  When Shadow snores I worry
that he's wheezing but then I stare at him while he does it and (while
stifling a laugh, of course) relax because he seems just fine... anyone ever
have this happen?  Does anyone else's ferret snore?  Is this a sign of
possible health problem?  Or are my ferrets just wierder than most?
Probably!  Love to hear your thoughts.
Kymberlie Becker Barone
Director, Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association
"Forget Puppy Love...There's nothing Greater than Ferret Love!" TM
[Posted in FML issue 2071]