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Thu, 11 Sep 1997 09:23:40 -0500
Sheri Murphy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (71 lines)
Hi all--
Saw a Budweiser commercial last night.  It started with the bullfrogs
croaking "Bud-Weis-Er, then the camera pulled back to show some iguana's in
a tree.  One of them was babbling away, and the others were getting mad,
saying the gabber was going to make them something's prey.  (Very general
paraphrase--I really don't pay much attention).  Anyway, the gabber started
going on about how he has "friends" (I think for protection) and just before
fade out, he said, "and I know two very big ferrets."
At least I'm pretty sure that's how it went.  So pay attention to the next
Bullfrog Bud commercial you see--I don't watch TV much, so I doubt if I'll
catch it again.
Okay, silly Princess story--all my ferts have been knocking around a 2 liter
rubbermail juice container.  I checked it out, decided the opening wasn't
big enough for anyone to get their heads stuck into, and let them have it.
Yesterday morning I heard Dave exclaim, "Princess!  What are you doing in
there?" And he came into the living room holding the juice container--yup,
you guessed it--Princess was completely inside it.  The circular opening has
a diameter of 2 inches--I measured it.  And Princess got her head,
shoulders, belly, hips and back legs through it.  Amazing.  I thought she
was stuck, but with some Linatone coaxing (after photographs, of course) she
wriggled out.  Now I took it away from her, just in case she suddenly gains
weight and gets stuck.  My dog has lost weight, and can wriggle under the
bed--but can't get out again without someone lifting the frame a bit, and I
don't want little Princess to get stuck.
Oh--ran into BB's old owner at the Laundry Mat.  She went on and on about
what a pig he was, and how he ate all the time, yadda, yadda, yadda.  You
might remember he was practically starving when I got him, because all the
hamster food he was given to eat just didn't do much for him.  Poor BB.  It
was like the dummy was trying to impress me with how mean he was but how
well she took care of him anyway.  He's not mean at all, just timid.
Anyway, I found out which pet store she got him from, and later brought him
over there and asked if they remembered him.  The owner is a nice guy, and
really loves animals, but doesn't know as much as he wants people to think.
Told me they sell lots of ferrets, and that BB is from Marshall.  I said,
"No, he's not Marshall.  He's too big, and he doesn't have any tattoos." So
the guy examines him, and shows me the spay scar.  And I said, "No, that's
his penis.  This is a boy ferret." (AAARRRGGGHHH!) And he said, "Oh, of
course.  Well, we sell so many ferrets, you know." (Which is funny, because
the other guy told me just a couple of weeks ago that they don't sell very
many ferrets at all, and the only reason they had the kit I was admiring was
because he stopped at Peterson Farms, and couldn't resist him.)
So the end determination was that last winter they got a litter from
"someone in Iowa" in between Marshall litters.  So does anyone know of a
breeder in Iowa that sells ferrets to pet stores?  I'm just trying to figure
out how old BB is and where he came from, as long as I found out which store
he came from.
Then we weighed BB--3.25 lbs--and they gave me some sugarless animal cookies
for him.  Very nice people, but the store STINKS and I'd never buy an animal
from a place that smells so bad.  And is tiny, dark, stuffy, and crammed
with animals (no ferrets, currently, though).
That's all for now,
PS--BB was out with me almost all day, and met lots of people and even some
children.  And didn't try to bite ANYONE all day.  I'm so proud.  Not that I
let anyone else hold him.  That's my rule.  Look and pet, but no strangers
get to hold.  This wasn't an "educational" outing--I only take my "tried and
true" non-biters on those.  BB was very depressed in the car.  I think a car
ride has always meant a new home for him--and he was overjoyed to see and
snuggle with the other 4 ferrets when we got back home.
[Posted in FML issue 2062]