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Mon, 1 Sep 1997 22:55:29 +0200
Henry Star <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
First of all, I'm a new member of the FML.  I'm a 23 year old Dutch girl who
has an extremely cute, naughty, crazy ferret called Fred.
Last saturday was my birthday and to surprise me my brother decided to give
me an other ferret.  I already had plans to buy a new ferret, so this was a
nice surprise.  When I opened the "box" it already was a BIG albino ferret.
Looked kind of nice.  My brother doesn't know anything about ferrets, so he
saw this one (the last one in the pet-shop) and bought it.  To let the
ferrets get used to one another, I cleaned up an old cage so they could
first see, and later on play with each other.  Not a bad idea.  But when I
tried tu pick up the new ferret, he bit me really, really hard and almost
wouldn't let go!!!!  I almost had to turn his head around to let go of me.
Because my other ferret has never biten me, it scared me to death!  I
immediately went back to the pet-shop to bring this new one back.  Guess
what?  The owner of the shop wouldn't even touch the ferret and shook the
box out in a cage.  So I suspected that he knew it was a false ferret.  He
gave me the money back without any problems (only 20 dollars).  It seemed
that the ferret had already been returned by somebody else, and he had been
about 8 months old.  So when I would have kept it, I don't think it would
ever get so trustworthy like my other ferret.
Anyway what a beginning of a birthday...
So every time when I play with Fred, I realise how lucky I am to have a
loving, cute, idiote, crazy, fuzzy ferret.  I would advise you to only by a
ferret from a well known breeder!!!
[Posted in FML issue 2052]