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Thu, 31 Jul 1997 22:24:55 -0500
Margaret Merchant <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Hi Ya'll,
Well, I finally made it back home.  Took a day longer as the truck's
headlights refused to work and so I had an unscheduled layover.  I am
exhausted and have basically slept for 2 days now.  I am just too old for
this stuff.  Next time I will hire a mover!!!
Thanks for all you help Dave and Noni!!!  Even if you wouldn't let me bring
Phydeaux home.  I know he still misses me!  ;-)
And thanks Gary and Terri!!  Even if Terri wouldn't let me bring Puff home
with me.  But I did manage to stop her from stealing Ollie from me!!
Right now all the guys are taking showers.  Yes, by themselves.  I have
discovered that it doesn't matter if I am in the shower or not, they love it
anyway.  So I have started turning on the shower once a week or so when they
are out and they go play in it.
I make sure the water temp is lukewarm, I have a chlorine filter on it, and
I put down towels on the floor in front of it to give them traction.  They
love it!!  They go in and dance around, drink the water, chase each other
and come out dancing.  And it keeps them nice and clean, without the use of
shampoos which can dry their skin.  I figure it is like a rainstorm to wild
animals, a natural way to keep clean.
I know you all missed this big mouth, so never fear, I shall be bothering
all again soon.  That is, as soon as I get a few more days sleep.  LOL!!
Maggie, back home in Mid Missouri
[Posted in FML issue 2020]