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Fri, 4 Jul 1997 17:18:04 -0600
Michael Wood <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
My name is Angela with the Kansas City Ferret Hotline.  I'm writing on
behalf of my mom who lost Harry on 6/14/97.  Harry was lost in Cincinnati
around the Colraine area.  There is a slight chance that he rode To
Covington, KY in my sisters car.  Harry is a large 4 year old, dark sable,
male.  He is suceptible to depression, but is extremely friendly.  He does
not bite and I'm afraid if he comes into contact with something wanting to
fight, he won't fight back.  We have posted and passed out about 700 flyers.
We have taken every measure we know including contacting shelters,
petstores, vets, and setting live traps.  We have searched in the entire
area and spoke with almost everyone in the neighbor hood.  Even the local
trash men know about Harry.  So far nothing, but one very suspicious call my
mom got before her add was posted in the paper.  They left a message, when
my mom called her back all the lady would say was that her friend took the
ferret to a vet and that she was sure the ferret wasn't hers.  I called the
lady back but she did not want to speak to me either.  This leads me to
think that someone may have him.  So I'm posting the message about Harry
everywhere I can.  If anyone can give me information please, please,please
contact me at [log in to unmask]  or call the Kansas City Ferret Hotline
at (816)842-3707 or call me at (816)561-4179.  I am offering a generous
reward and/or a new ferret to replace my Harry.  We miss him so much, so
does his best pal BatRat.
If any of you have of know of someone who has found a ferret that they
decided to keep with out trying to find the owner, please remember that
ferret is NOT yours.  How would you feel if it was your weamal out there??
[Posted in FML issue 1993]