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Mon, 30 Jun 1997 21:45:45 -0700
Lynn Mcintosh <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
To all you sweet people who wrote, and those of you (in the adrenal group
and on the FML) who thought of Percy or just took the time to read about
him, thank you.  He made it through surgery, and was breathing on his own,
then passed away.
It's been a long day and I will post medical details tomorrow.  One of
Percy's little buddies has holed up in the carrying case, with Percy's other
sleeping and longterm companion, and won't let anyone in.  Tarzan even
brought him their favorite smallish, rubber beach ball and was allowed in
for awhile, but once he left (with the ball) he wasn't allowed back.  Tarzan
started pushing the carrying case around (it's Gadzook's first home; Gadzook
and Wally, our first ferrets, are holed up) and tried to go in again, but
Wally would have none of it.  Everyone has tried to visit but Wally squeals
and bares his teeth and and snaps at them, and they know better than to
enter.  It's very unusual behavior from Wally, and I must give he and
Gadzook lots of attention..
They are amazing and wonderful little creatures.  I just wish I could have
visited Percy on Sunday.  I didn't expect Saturday to be our last goodbye,
though I tried to get a big kiss from him (very enthusiastic kisser), but he
was just too tired.
Percy was a high hopper, a huge mucker, very rambunctious, and very loving
of all.  He never fought with anyone.  I brought Percy and Schroeder home
from the medical lab, separately, then let them out and they dooked an
danced for hours.  I'll never forget it.  It brought such joy to my heart,
and with joy comes the potential for pain, which I'm more than willing to
pay for the gift of being loved by fuzzies.  Percy ran with his head and
tail straight out and just bopped along, looked very perky and somewhat
businesslike.  He loved life and, until he started losing hair, I thought of
him as our most robust of ferrets.  He was cinnamoni colored, with a face
that looked like a baby calf - huge pink nose and wideset, big eyes.  Just
one three-pound big-ole sweetheart sent from heaven into our house.
Thank you all for being there and for the letters and prayers - we held on
tight to those for awhile.
Percy may now be romping at the Bridge with his lab buddy (they were used to
train medical techs to intubate humans).  After Schroedee died, Percy got
fat.  Maybe he'll regain his lithe, hoppy, furry persona again.
Thank you and with this letter I'm sending all sorts of love our to Percy.
Hug your fuzzies tightly, always,
Lynn and the Gang of Seven, with the big spirits of Percy, Schroedee Boat
and Squeekers leaping above us...
[Posted in FML issue 1989]