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Thu, 26 Jun 1997 07:32:47 -0500
Margie & Her Fuzzies <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Dear FMLer's,
I seldom write directly to the FML, usually reply to the individual.  But we
have just rallyed to try to save the life of Kodo, raised thousands of
dollars., now we have a chance to show the Kodo spirit really does still
Dayna Frazier has helped many ferrets continue to live.  Can we not dig into
our pockets for just a little bit of spending change once again to help her
relocate her life and those of her ferrets?  If we believe in the spirit of
Kodo, being the spirit of ferret life, than we must be willing to relocate
someone who now has sacrificed everything to keep other fuzzies alive.
Dayna will be relocating to East Tennessee.  If you live along her travel
route, or in the East Tennessee area, open up your doors and hearts to show
her the true spirit of Kodo and ferret lovers.
East Tennessee fuzzie owners, you truly have an opportunity to show the
spirit of Kodo with Dayna moving to your area.  Ferrets take care of their
own.  Can we not do the same for their human caretaker.
Dayna has not asked for this letter.
Please be willing to help !   Please be their for them as they go into
their exile !
Margaret Szelmeczka
[Posted in FML issue 1985]