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Mon, 16 Jun 1997 12:35:05 -0500
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
Here in N.J. there are a LOT of things which are needed despite existing
efforts (from multiple fronts) toward a quarantine time:
1.  Could someone (perhaps Carolyn Kingeter at [log in to unmask] who just
posted on this issue willing to work???) PLEASE put together all the names,
e-mail addresses, snail-mail adresses, phone numbers and so on of FML N.J.
members?  All of us could then have that file.
2.  Then each of us could let all the others know (with reply addresses and
phone numbers) when there are negative, misleading, or otherwise dangerous
articles, letters to the editor, radio or tv pieces, moves by politicians
seeking to be sensationalists rather than relying on fact.
3.  Please, let your State Assemblymen, State Senators, the Governor's
Office, and others (SUGGESTIONS on this score?) know that you look forward
to the day when N.J. will have a fair and legislated quarantine time for
ferrets.  BE POLITE!!!!  You may be talking with someone who already
supports a quarantine time, or having one after the bat strain shedding
studies are done (very possibly later this year or in '98).  BOTH are
allies!  You may also be talking with someone who is sitting on the fence or
may be swayed by having accurate data.  (Others and I already have copies of
some of the studies and right now we am awaiting some promised papers from
the CDC, and some data the N.J. Health Department is supposed to send.) Do
NOT be confrontational, PLEASE!!!  If you feel yourself losing it say
something such as "obviously you have not received this decade's information
on the USDA approved and well tested vaccine, and are not aware of the
extensive testing already done for several strains of rabies including
raccoon rabies, or of the testing now on-going for yet another strain of
rabies even though ferrets have not ever been documented with that strain.
What mailing address(es) do you want used when that information is sent to
you." Treat it as if you are saying "You are very intelligent so we're going
to treat you as an intelligent individual who just needs the information.
4.  Who is willing to put together a literate, basic info sheet which has
ACTUAL FACTS and will take no more than two pages INCLUDING REFERENCES?
5.  Who has a HANDY photostating machine and is willing to have copies of
the relevant studies and send them on to those politicians, reporters, and
others who request them as this group becomes larger?
6.  Be aware that there ARE others who are pursuing this but DON'T let that
stop you from ENCOURAGING those in public service to protect ferrets fairly.
Not only would this be a wrong thing to have happen, but it would also cause
there to be loss of the grass-roots feeling which so very, very much appeals
to many politicians.
7.  When something positive and big does finally happen stay in the
background and let the politicians get the credit for their hard work
getting the legislation through.
[Posted in FML issue 1973]