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Thu, 15 May 1997 13:05:13 -0500
MS DEBBIE A FEDAS <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Hi!  This is my second post and I have been following Kodo's plight since
the beginning.  I will be sending a donation when I get paid on Friday.  I
have been going to for awhile now, but my son and daughter- in-law and
grandson moved in and it's been alittle crazy and I been a little strapped
for money, but I want to help too.  It could be one of my babies!
The son that moved in with me also has a dog, a pitbull that he's had from a
puppy.  He is a big baby who loves my two youngest children and my grandson.
He also LOVES my ferrets.  I got some wonderful video of them play with my 3
newest additions this morning.  Louise and Zoey (the dog) chase each other
every where.  Loiuse hides and Zoey finds.  You have to see to believe it.
It's too funny for words to see this pitbull play with the ferrets.  Of
course I have to supervise.  Zoey's only playing but he doesn't understand
he could hurt them if he accidently stepped on them.  He is as gentle with
them as a dog can be though and it's a riot watching them.  I know pitbulls
have a bad reputation, but I still say it's how a dog is raise that makes
the dog.  As my son's T-shirt says, " PUNISH THE DEED, NOT THE BREED".  He's
a sweet dog!
      Debbie and her fuzzy crew, Snowy,
      Skittles,Bandit, Thelma, Louise,& Rascal
[Posted in FML issue 1935]