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Tue, 6 May 1997 20:46:54 -0400
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I don't want to believe it can happen in the USA in 1997.  This is where we
must all band together to let this ignorant Animal Control Officer and the
judge that wouldn't sign the restraining order that this isn't just a few
fanatic ferret owners that care about what has taken place.  I was recently
warned by our vet that Maine,too, has laws on the books that requires
euthanasia and testing of ferrets in bite cases even if immunized.  Because
of this I'm extremely careful of who handles my guys and I haven't had them
back to the elementary and middle school even though everyone so enjoyed
Bandit and Kirby romping around the classrooms.  I will be sending my
contribution to the Great Lakes Ferret Association/Legal Action Fund and I
think we should all send a letter to the judge who, in effect, signed Kodos
death warrant.  I believe that Karen Burns should get a few choice letters
for the pain and suffering she is causing.  I'm looking for an address at
this point.  And what happened to the media?  Are they still interested?
To Robert Jacobs, we are still praying for you and Kodo.  I cannot imagine
the pain you are experiencing in this late hour.
 Bruce Skakle and family
 Bandit and Kirby
 Bangor, Maine
[Posted in FML issue 1926]