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"The Ferret Mailing List (FML)" <[log in to unmask]>
Bruce Williams DVM <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Nov 1993 14:47:16 -0500
"The Ferret Mailing List (FML)" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
TO:Susan A.H. Benysh [log in to unmask]
FROM: Colleen Wei
RE: Flying Ferrets
Would putting in a higher plastic "gate" such as I've made across my
ferrets' bedroom doorway maybe solve your problem?  (See my 'to
everybody' note)
(The following came to my mind when I read your comment about Sparky
hating to be caged, especially after being used to free-run. Now, please
know I'm Not trying to be a doomsayer or a downer, but figure you'd rather
hear this piece of info rather than live it, so may I tell you that we know of a
ferrret in a shelter who hated being caged so much that tragically while he
was vigorously trying to chew his way out of the wire, he snapped his neck.
Not something many of us would figure could happen and therefore be on
the lookout for.)
TO: Christian Miller @f601.n2613.z1.fidonet.org
SUBJ:New Ferret Toy
I'm replying just to be cautious for you. Hope you don't mind.
Are you sure Feasel isn't chewing up and swallowing the plastic bubble
material in that stuffed envelope as part of her fun?  I  know that's just what
one of ours would do.  He's so fond of eating plastic he almost killed
himself until we realized in the nick of time and gave him emergency
surgery to take out the blockage in his intestine. ((It had begun as a partial
block (hence the delay in our realizing) which slowly worked its way into a
complete blockage.))
Colleen Wei
FROM: Colleen Wei
RE:  Smells Begone
I have just discovered a wonderful product that actually turns that beloved
but odiferous furhead into a sweet-smelling furhead.  It's called "Smells
Begone"  It's Non-toxic and Nonallergenic.  And Not Tested on Animals.
Mix 3 0z. in a gallon of warm water and rinse him/her with solution after
bath.  I did tonight. Actually I filled a tupperware 5 quart tall
container/canister with 4 quarts of the solution and dunked Bubba's hind
quarters in up to his shoulders, holding him under the armpits and then
used my other hand to scoop the solution on his neck and top of his head.
(I didn't splash it on his face, I don't know if that would sting his eyes or if
he ended up swallowing some of it whether he'd get sick.)  And I was
amazed. It really works!
(Bubba, is a 3 year black silver mitt, undescented, and I don't have the
heart to put him through that operation now. He came to us this way a
couple of months ago)
I'd tried special ferret deodorizing products for bath and so on and nothing
really worked all that well - I could still smell that very distinctive bouquet
on not only Bubba but on all our ferrets since they sleep together. (our
others are descented and had been staying sweet smelling even without
baths). I'd begun to give up.
I ordered this great product, (which by the way, also works unbelievably well
as a room air deodorizer after cooking, in stinky shoes, on litter smells
and who knows -- I'm still learning and trying it on things) from Seventh
Generation (an environmental ("Green") products company in Vermont) by
calling 1-800-456-1177.  A 12 oz. pump spray costs 12.95  They call it "a
heavy-duty, environmentally responsible odor eater that's generating some
amazing stories."  (Should I write them about this latest use?)
Colleen Wei
[Posted in FML issue 0627]