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Sat, 1 Nov 1997 03:57:03 -0500
John Hines <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Hello everyone.
I am a very new person to the list (only got my approval 30 min. ago).  I
read over the FAQ pretty quickly to make sure that I wasn't about to post
something verbotten, and I don't think I will.  If I do, I'll be glad to
risk the flames.
My name is John and I live in Philadelphia.  My girlfriend lives just west
of the city in the suburbs and has a very, very sick ferret that needs
immediate attention from a skilled ferret veterinarian.
The poor little guy has been gradually getting worse over the last few
months.  He has lost just about all of his body fat and is down to skin and
bones.  He vomits a lot and doesn't seem to be able to keep any food down.
He has difficulty walking around without losing his balance and is very
mopey.  I don't know how much longer he can last like this, but I don't
think it will be all that long.
We have been taking him to the same veterinarian for sometime now, but his
condition continues to worsen and I think that the vet is pretty much
guessing at this point.  We both feel that taking the little guy to a
different vet for another opinion is very warranted at this point.  The
trouble is, I can't seem to get in touch with anyone who can help us find a
different veterinarian!
If any of you out there know of veterinarians in the Philly area, please,
please, please, give me a lead to follow.  I don't want to drop the name of
the veterinarian that we are currently seeing -- I don't think he is
incompetent, but that rather, in this case, he has done all that he can do.
The little guy is getting a little worse every day -- we don't feel that we
can wait for the vet to make a correct guess.
Ironically enough, the best vet facility in the area AND my current
employer -- the Veterinary School of the University of Pennsylvania --
refuses to see ferrets, on the grounds that it is against long standing
policy.  I turn to you all, ferret enthusiasts for help.
[Posted in FML issue 2111]