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Tue, 14 Oct 1997 03:08:52 -0400
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Well, hello fellow FMLers...
It seems I might have to make some clarifications on my post about people
who give up there fuzzies.  I had previously stated that WE are not the
people who need to be railed for giving up fuzzies, and that we want our
kids to go to good homes.  I also stated that giving up a fuzzy was like
putting a child up for adoption.  This stands true for most of us.  What I
would like to clarify was the statement I made about "pet stores that just
want to make a quick buck..."
I don't believe that ALL pet stores are in this category, nor do I believe
that all independant breeders are saints.  What I am trying to say is that
each individual store/shelter/person ..ANYONE...needs to be judged
individually.  For the most part, the people on the FML, as well as MOST
ferret owners, are wonderful people.  If they weren't, we wouldn't have the
FML, shelters, etc.  There wouldn't be such outrage over California issues
(thought with disgust), poor treatment of our animals, the murdering of
innocent ferrets, etc.
All I was trying to say was not to berate the people that know and
understand what the outrage feels like.  We need to band together and fight
against the wrongdoing and mistreatment of our babies instead of bickering
with eachother.
I also wanted to add that I am personally grateful for everyone on the FML.
My personal story is this:
A month after I got my fuzzies, Bandit the Destroyer and Weezer the
Terrible, my poor little girl(Weezy) got sick.  VERY SICK.  This normally
spazmatic and hyper ferret would only lay curled up in a lump in my hand.
(yes, she's only a little over a pound).  I knew something was terribly
wrong.  When I brought her to the very nice but completely ignorant vet, he
couldn't do much for her...he didn't really know what was wrong.
As soon as I got home, I sent in a post to the FML describing her symptoms.
I figured it was a last ditch effort, and maybe I would see some results
within a few days...if it wasn't too late.  Well!  I recieved an answer via
email within 15 minutes!  BIG was an angel in disguise...putting me in touch
with five or six people I could contact, who eventually put me in touch with
Dr. Dutton of Weare, NH.  He called me (from what sounded like dinner in the
background) even though he didn't know me, didn't know my baby, and I wasn't
yet a "patient" of his.  He told me what he thought was wrong over the
phone, called a scrip in for me, and BOOM!!!!  She was getting better within
hours.  I don't know what I would have done without the FML.  My poor little
girl might have been going to the other side of Rainbow Bridge...if it
weren't for the FML and Dr. Dutton.  (I now travel more than an hour just to
bring my kids to him...it's WELL worth it!!!!)
So I want to thank everyone, send my prayers to those who have sick fuzzies,
and my heartfelt sorrow for those who have lost their kids.
Dooks and love to all,
Bandit T.D. and Weezer T.T.
[Posted in FML issue 2095]