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Mon, 6 Oct 1997 22:25:03 -0400
"K. Crassi" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (59 lines)
Hello FFF's!
Yes, Newman (now Duncan) is home in NH.  Thanks go to Janet and her husband
Dave for taking such good care of him, and the vet who fixed him up (80!
ticks had to be removed) is a wonderful person too.
Well, Duncan's been here for 24 hours and it seems to be going well.  He
does tire easily - about 20 minutes of playtime is all he can take, but he
is not afraid of much.  He's even shown some spunk when the others (mostly
Luthe and Brownie) pick on him a little too much.  He doesn't yet have the
strength to give as good as he gets, but he shows enough attitude so I
think that he will do all right once he puts on some weight and finishes
recuperating.  He has his own small cage for now, so he can rest and have
all the food to himself.
He is incredibly sweet and has never offered to even nip anyone.  He's also
much more cuddly than my others, but that could be due to having less
energy right now.
Janet wrote:
>get over it.  Anyway, Newmie met his new mom and one of his new brothers.  A
>bruiser cinnamon hob named Luthe.  Boy, seeing as I have only ever seen MF
>and pet store ferrets, I can sure understand why people swear by breeder
>ferrets.  This baby (yes, he is only a youngster) is HUGE!!!!  Not just
>bigger muscle-wise, but his whole bone structure appears much heftier than
>my MF kids.  Am I right Mo Bob?  Luthe's head was twice as big as my oldest
>female's and his feet are as big as my husband's (size 13W).
What Janet is not telling you is that she has a male named Hootie who has
the biggest backside I've ever seen.  This ferret is all butt. :)  He's a MF
ferret and he's gorgeous.  Big and a wonderfully soft coat.  But yes, Luthe
is sort of the Ah-nold Schwartzenegger of ferrets.  He's built.  He will be
neutered next month when he's six months old.  Right now he weighs something
over 3lbs, so it will be interesting to see how heavy he is when I take him
in for the "big snip".  And he does have a big wide head.  Bigger than any
of my other males.  His body structure is just generally stockier than most
pet store ferrets.  Whether this is due to the quality of breeding or the
lack of early altering, or a combination of both is the question.  In any
event, I'm quite happy with Luthe.  :)
Getting back to Duncan...  we'll feed him up and I'm sure he'll be back to
normal in no time!
Thanks again Janet!
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See the eagle rise above the open plain
golden in the morning air
weaving and soaring watchful and protecting
                                 -- Bill Whelan
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[Posted in FML issue 2087]