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Wed, 27 Aug 1997 02:21:04 +1000
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Hello all,this is my first ever post but I felt I had to reply to Lisa
Brown`s post.Like her, my husband has said the same thing,"get rid of them
rodents,they stink".Well like any good mother,my hackles went up and I went
into protection mode.I calmly told him I would sooner get rid of him than my
babies.I have 5 fuzzbutts 3 were bought,2 were found by people and I took
them in.All are desexed and descented and funnily enough he is the only one
that can smell them no-one else thats walks in my house can smell them.Many
fights later I still have my babies and we worked out an agreement between
us.He built an enclosure out the back and they come in the second he walks
out the door to go to work and they get returned 12 hrs later when he gets
home.I mop the floors with disinfectant so thats what he smells when he gets
in.He`s happy,my babies seem very happy but I still am not that happy for
them to be out there but .....................
The second thing was also from the same FML about telling how old a ferret
is.Two of my girls I know their age,but my other girl and my two boys I do
not.My darlin` Satan alias nutter was found in the bush not far from us or
rightly she found my husband nephew there,he was not allowed to keep her so
he brought her to me.She looked healthy but when I picked her up you could
tell she was lost for awhile,very light and very hungry.Looked out for
owners but thank god no-one claimed her.(I think she may have been kept in a
small cage cause she didn`t know how to climb or dook or dance.)She may have
been fully grown cause she hasn`t gotten any bigger since I`ve had her but
she sure has learnt to be a ferret.My two boys I call them my rescues,they
were kept in a cage on damp ground for who knows how long and fed whatever
was on hand at the time.One had had his legs or pelvis broken and left to
heal as was,poor baby,so I was told ,and he was so fat he could hardly walk
around and the other ,while he looked healthy was so light when picked up
you could feel his bones.I have had them now for 5 weeks and they`re not the
same fuzzbutts any more.Fatboy has lost weight because of a lot of exercise
and decent food,he actually can run and dook and dance even with his funny
back legs and the other Benny is putting on weight and is so curious about
everything he makes me laugh so much.I don`t know how old they are but I
think they`re fairly old for they both have greyish whitish hairs around
their butts and legs.I simply adore and luv them all so much it hurts,they
fill the void in my dull life,they are whats keeping me on this earth for I
know no one else would luv them or treat them like I do.Sorry for taking up
so much space but it is good to know there are others like me who luvs
ferrets as much as I.
Hope all sick fuzzies get better soon and happy ones stay that way.
Lola and in order of appearance:Bonnie (cat) Sebastion (cat) Phoebe (fert)
Satan (fert) Little One (fert) Spooky (cat) Boof (cat) Bub (fert) Benny
(fert) as well as 2 mice and 2 fish unnamed.
[Posted in FML issue 2060]