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Fri, 5 Sep 1997 11:18:04 EDT
Kim Burkard <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (58 lines)
Re: AB363
I'm sorry that the efforts to legalize ferrets has been delayed in
California yet again.  You really have to wonder about the sanity of public
officials in a state that will legalize Marijuana, but not ferrets.
While I know that nobody has done more to block the legalization of ferrets
in California more then CA Fish & Game, I can't help to fault some of the
other organizations that have opposed the legalization efforts as well.  A
short time ago I received yet another solicitation from the Sierra Club for
donations.  I didn't just pitch it out.  I saved it and I plan on returning
it to them, sans donation, with a letter.  I'm going to tell them that they
are not going to get one thin dime from me, nor anybody I know, because of
their opposition to AB 363.  I'm going to tell them that their opposition is
not grounded in fact, but in superstitions and prejudices about ferrets.  I
will give my donations to other organizations that don't base their
decisions on heresay.
Re: Lost Ferrets
I hope everyone's ferrets that have gone for a bit of 'walkabout, find their
ways back home safely.
Re: Ferret amusement park rides
I think ours would go for a bunjee-jump without the bunjee like ride.
Basically they would leap out into a great open space to land in a squishy,
poofy landing pad.
Our bed is tall for the ferrets and for me.  They have to either scale a
blanet hanging over the edge of the bed or take the climb up the squishy,
fabric-covered chair and cross the nightstand to get onto the bed.  Once on
the bed, they **love** to run to the end of the bed, leap off the bed to
land on a pile of clothes that I don't have the heart to move.  Pippi taught
everybody how to do this and they will line up just to jump off the bed.
They will also make circuits of climbing onto the bed and flinging
themselves off of it.  Ferrets definately are fun-loving creatures!!  ;)
Re: Ferrets of Brawn
A short bit ago people were talking about ferrets that were less then
brilliant.  Our boy Atlas is like that.  He is our "ferret of brawn not
brain." We think of him as our big, dumb, and lovable lug.  Even though it
takes you longer to teach Atlas something, once he learns it, he is quite
diligent to what you have taught.  He is our ferret that has the highest
litter box to-hit ratio.  It was hell to teach him about the litter box, but
now he is our most box-trustworthy ferret!
He is also the easiest ferret to understand their motivations and feelings.
He is very straight-forward about everything.  This is quite opposite from
Squirt who is our ferret of brain, who knows how to manipulate us to the
max!  ;)
-kim, squirt (it's good to be the king), pippi (skydiving queen), atlas
 (box-box-box-box-gotta go in 'da box!), and 'jinx (the nippy chick)
Kimberly Burkard     |             _    Everything I needed to know in life,
Eastman Kodak Company|      _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
Rochester, New York  | ____/     \___/  Frolic and dance for joy often, have
[log in to unmask]    |<____/\_---\_\    no fear or worries, and enjoy life.
[Posted in FML issue 2056]