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Mon, 1 Sep 1997 22:21:59 -0400
John Seymour III <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Dear Ferret Lovers,
I recently adopted two new friends, Casper, an albino, and Cocoa, a sable.
They are both females and very friendly.  Neither has ever attempted to bite
me in the week and a half that i have had them.  I have a question.  How do
I get them to use a litter box.  I have a litter box shaped to fit in the
corner of the cage.  The ferrets only use the bathroom in one of two places,
which happens to be whichever corner does not contain the litter box.  They
avoid the litter box at all costs, except to use it as a sandbox.  I have
placed fresh waste in it, but it didn't help.
This is the only problem at all i have with them, and would appreciate any
help i can get.  If I put old towels down on the entire floor of the cage
except for the litter box, would that encourage them to use the box instead
of soiling the floor?  Thanks alot.
John Seymour
LaGrange, GA
Webpage: http://www.lgc.peachnet.edu/stu_life/stupages/jseymour/john.htm
"There's only one real sin, and that is to persuade oneself that
second-best is anything but the second-best" - Doris Lessing
[Posted in FML issue 2053]