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Mon, 1 Sep 1997 23:06:04 -0500
text/plain (31 lines)
Hello all,
I just wanted to let you know we still need some foster homes.  For those of
you who missed the first post, the head of a local ferret rescue is moving
so we don't have anyplace to put the ferts.  If anyone in the Seattle/Everett
area can help out by being a foster family let us know.  I am leaving town
tomorrow (actually I'm probably already gone by the time you read this) so
please contact Sandi at [log in to unmask] if you can help.
As I said before I'm leaving town(vacation!!!!) and will be without net
access until the 1st.  I think I'm going into withdrawel already.  I
contacted some of you by email earlier this week and if you have replied, I
won't be able to get back to you.  I sent the email out from work, then
haven't been back to work since so I can't read your replies.  I could
explain why this happened but it's a long story, it's not very
ferret-related, and it makes me look less intelligent than I reallly am.  If
you're really interested, you can email me privately and when I get back
from my vacation I will be happy to not reply to you.  But anyway, for those
of you I will miss meeting on the way, Sorry.  Maybe next time.  After all,
this won't be my last vacation (I hope).
Well, see ya all next month. Don't do anything exciting without me.
Mikey B & the Weezils of Doom
[log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]
Weezils are great, what other animal folds neatly in half for easy storage.
[Posted in FML issue 2052]