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Fri, 29 Aug 1997 11:03:16 -0500
Alan Moen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
My lady and I have four ferrets - three of them were mine going into the
relationship and the latest kit a result of ferret math hitting my lady
(even after she warned me that *I* couldn't even *think* of buying another
fert at the GLFA show earlier this summer:).
Well, Elizabeth has a similar ailment as relates to cats and one day she
came home with a solid black kitten who needed rescuing just when she was
nearby.  This kitten is a madman.
The ferrets had taken over the second bedroom in our apartment and (until
very recently) had free rein in that room.  We had a baby door with
cardboard on the fert side to confine them in the room with the door open.
This baby door has rounded corners -- just the right size for a kitten paw
to fit through.  So Jesse (the evil kitten) wanted to explore the other side
of this door one day and stuck his soft shiny fuzzy paw through the opening
in the corner.  Coincidently, Sarasota (the wild-lady kit) was exploring on
the other side of the baby door at the same time.  Imagine her pleasure at
being presented with a juicy fuzzy thing to grab hold of.  Which she did.
With great fervor.
The other two cats in the apartment, who had been mercilessly harassed by
the 1 1/2 pound monster kitten, actually showed concern and came running
when Jesse vocalized his concern for the paw that had been latched onto by
Sarah.  I wasn't home, but Elizabeth managed to free Jesse from Sarah who
was, by all reports, pretty happy with herself for causing such a loud fuss.
About two weeks ago, I finished building a three story wooden cage for the
ferts (Elizabeth has some twisted idea that she wants to use the ferret room
as a weight room - just because the weight equipment was there first).  The
kitten thinks it's pretty neat that he can stand outside of the cage and
calmly watch while Sarah goes nuts trying to get at him.
We left for work one Saturday morning and returned in the early afternoon.
When we came in the apartment, there was a mournful mewing coming from the
region of the fert/weight room.  On investigation, we saw the ferret
carrier, which had been on top of the weight bench facing the fert cage
(open) was now face-down on the floor with a pitiful black paw poking out of
it looking for help.  It seems Jesse was having fun harassing the ferts with
his ability to run around the room while they were caged and he trapped
himself in the carrier.  In full view of the ferts who seemed rather amused
at the whole thing.  As we were :-)
Alan Moen                           [log in to unmask]
LAN Manager, Wayne State University Counseling & Placement Services
    Actual Headline:
    Kids Make Nutritious Snacks
[Posted in FML issue 2049]