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Thu, 28 Aug 1997 09:28:37 -0400
Anne Ryan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Dr. Kim operated yesterday.  He was able to set the weight supporting bone
with a pin.  The smaller bone was too tiny to use a pin on.  He said the leg
would most likely not ever be totally straight, but that she would regain
use of it, and not be in pain.  We felt that the asthetics of having a
straight leg were not that important here- we want her to be able to walk
and be without pain.
Anyway, she went home with her shelter mom last night, and when I spoke to
her at about 4:00pm, Meg was eating up a storm.  She has been placed in a
small cage to force her to keep still so as to not move the bones around.
At this point, it will be 4-8 weeks before Meg is available for adoption.  I
think I can speak for the shelter operator when I say that she will only go
to a home who's owners are previous ferret owners with lots of love for a
special ferret.  We will not ship her, but if you are in or near NJ
(NY,CT,PA) and want to adopt her, you will be able to apply to be her new
mom and/or dad.
I will post regular updates over the next few weeks.
PS- I think all the free cages I had have been spoken for at this point in
time- two are going to shelters :-)
PPS- If you are going to the Cincinnati show, make sure you stop by and say
hi to me!  I will be judging and stewarding, and my husband will be the
[Posted in FML issue 2048]