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Sat, 9 Aug 1997 11:13:15 -0700
Karen Daigneault <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
>I'm sure I will get flamed for this but here goes.
First off, Ed, no flames.....you are concerned about fuzzies and protecting
them...how can anyone flame you for this?
>First let me say to Karen that I empathize for your loss.
Thank you
>As Tabitha has proved, fuzzies will find the hole you did not even know
In my situation keeping my fuzzbutts out of the kitchen is virtually
impossible considering the kitchen makes up a good portion of the house.
And I believe that this may speak for alot of people!  After receiving so
many posts of people giving me stories and such that has happened to them in
similiar situations, in essence, I have come to the conclusion that NO AREA
is ever entirely ferret proof!  Not even a ferret room.
I haven't given the specifics to many, nor do I really want to, but Tabitha
did not get stuck in a hole.  The area in which Tabitha squeezed herself
into?  the same thing could have happened if she "got the notion", in her
own cage!  If, Tabitha decided one day to attempt to squeeze through the
bars of her cage (which is a ferret cage) the space is absolutely no
different.  My kitchen is pretty basic, really.  None of the fuzzies can get
into ANY area that would lead to the outside of the house.  Laundry rooms?
Yes, 100% agree with this one.  Morrow and Colours both went thru the dryer
hose and altho the vent is very high up on the outside of the house, the two
of them were *watching* me working in the yard, laughing merrily behind my
back...until I noticed.  From that point on, I do not wash clothes while the
fuzzmonsters are on runtime.....Nevertheless, I will have to say, that in
this case of Tabitha, considering this area had been the ferts hideyhole for
two years, it was, without a doubt, a freak accident.  The hideyhole is no
longer accessible, tho, and for this they are very upset with me.  Bubba
also accessed the kitchen counters through this route, in which now, they
cannot get anywhere except to run around on the floor.
This, of course, only applies to THIS and my situation.  Ed, for every
fuzzie you have saved as a result of your post, you are blessed beyond a
million times over!
Secondly, Kymberlie Becker has a fert in need of an operation.  I do not
have all the specific details yet, but the owners cannot afford the
operation.  In case anyone doesn't know, Kymberlie is the Director of the Pa
Ferret Association.  I offered to post this for her because she's gone out
of town today...I have sent a 5.00 donation and if everyone could send $1.00
or whatever to help this fuzzie it will save her life!  Kymberlie's email
address is [log in to unmask]  Her address is P.O.  Box 45,
Gilbertsville, PA 19525.
Karen and the wardancing, crazy fools!
[Posted in FML issue 2029]