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Sun, 27 Jul 1997 12:05:54 -0400
Linda Gaylord <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
I'm so far behind reading the FML I may never catch up.  I've been going
through the back issues and FAQ, but I can't find a solution to this
particular problem.  Maybe it's 2 problems, I don't know.
Charlie, my 2 year old male, has undergone this Jekyll and Hyde personality
thing ever since we brought our 2 new kits home.  I put the cages side by
side, switched bedding, put the kits in one cage, Charlie and Phoebe in the
other, etc.  Yet every time I let Phoebe and Charlie out with the babies
still in their cage, both of them, (but Phoebe especially) would circle the
cage like a shark, trying to get to them.  And if there was some part of
them too close to the bars, she'd reach in to bite and shake them.  So, I
took to putting the babies in a cage outside before letting Phoebe and
Charlie out.  This keeps them from hurting the kits, but then they started
fighting between themselves.
Now, all of a sudden (it seems to me!) Charlie has all but wasted away!
He's just skin and bones.  I see him eating, although I don't know how much.
(He's taken to throwing his food all around the cage.) Doesn't seem much
interested in "treats" as such, but if you offer a raisin you're in danger
of losing a finger.  He's bit me twice (hard and hanging on!) when I've
offered him one, and he snatches them out of my hand and runs away.  Used to
"gently" take them.
All 4 ferrets were at the vets less than 2 weeks ago, and were "healthy",
altho Phoebe still has hair loss on shoulders and bottom of tail.  (We're
watching to see if it improves before going with blood panel)
So...could Charlie be so upset over the new kits that he would exhibit these
symptoms, or is it more likely a disease process?  If it IS emotional, what
can I do?  I am trying to give him extra love and attention, but there are
only so many hours in a day, unfortunately.
The "favor" part of this was to ask if you would drop by my homepage
and fill out the survey on ferret clip art. It should only take a minute.
Thanks for any help you can give me that will make Charlie fat and sweet
again.  You can Email me direct, or post and I'll start reading back on the
ones I've missed.
Phoebe..."Look, Mom! I can beat Charlie up!"
Hopalong..."Outside AGAIN?""
Calamity....."Ouch! She's biting me!"
[Posted in FML issue 2016]