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Fri, 25 Jul 1997 18:35:42 -0700
Karen Daigneault <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
And yet another normal day at the animal farm, but just 10 of those things
that make everything *better*!
My gosh, what a terrible week!  And I come home and let the 6 furchildren
out for their runtime and they just seem to know that Mommys almost to the
end of her rope.  I sit at my computer and notice the ferretone moving
across the floor by none other then Samantha towards the never never land of
her hidey hole.  Back at the screen and Tabitha is on my shoulder, jump!,
then running across the keyboard.  Morrow has taught Bubba how to get into
the silverware drawer, altho he can't hide in there to scare me like she
does, because he's too big, but as usual, cooking dinner, there are ferret
heads sticking out of the drawers.  Pots and pans, of course, are being
rearranged for me and my counter tops are no longer a freezone area.  Into
the sink and out there are little teeny paw prints the whole length of the
counters.  Both the pooper scoopers are gone and I am once again out of
toilet paper, lost to the world of play.  The pups are running around after
the ferts.  The ferts are running around after the pups.  I look out into
the living room and can only see dogs and fuzzies dashing back and forth
through every room of my house.  I start with Morrow cause she's right
there, and one by one I pick up each of my family and shower them with
kisses, and say, ok.....life is too rough, but, *I* CAN do it....
Morrow "mommy, oh thank you for kisses, mommy, mommy?, that's enough, MOM!"
Samantha "please let me type, mom, please, please?  Nevermind, this looks
          kinda cool!"
Tabitha "I just *know* this will fit in here, grunt, grunt, pull, pull"
Bubba "Ah HA!  Hey Mom, LOOK at me! (head peeking out of drawer)
Daisy "hmmm, that's funny, this wasn't where I put these pots and pans
       yesterday, oh well, I'll just fix them again...CRASH!
Hopps "if, just IF, there was someway she WOULDN'T notice me when she
       opens the back door!"
and the pups:  Snipper, <sigh> mommy, don't cry....
Sweetpea:  WHERE are they, where, oh, there goes Morrow!!!!!
Clarice "you guys MAY crawl on me, but I'm warning you Samantha, do NOT
        bite me!"
Bandit "I am too bored to be bothered"
(ps picture this:  1 large yellow lab and 6 fuzzballs all crawling all
over the top of her!)
[Posted in FML issue 2014]